This weekend I was lecturing beginners in silversmith.
It was very interesting and inspiration and funny too… To meet people who wants to learn about silversmith and have a burning interest for doing “real” stuff… The time fly!
It was 8 hours a day.
I just have to add a little bite strange thing who happens yesterday, the day after a nice powerful weekend with beginners in silversmith… A weekend full of good energy and lust for learning and doing silversmith.
I get a phone call from my manager who engages me to this weekend course in very short time (she called me at Thursday and this course started at Saturday)…
One of the participants had written her a letter and told her that I don’t know the workshop, and that’s true… I have never worked in this studio/workshop before… The participant told me under this weekend course that she was satisfied, so I have to say that this was a smash in the face, but I know that I have done a good work, so shit happens sometimes…
I have worked with silversmith for 16 years, I also started at evening courses and then I have educated me in different silversmith and art schools… I’m working lecturing in silversmith in other schools when they need deputy.
I want to write this just to tell others, that you never can be sure about whom others see your work and commitment… I absolutely think this is a thing that is “between”, things that you don’t count on in life, but that happens anyway, to err is human.
And I feel sorry for the participant who told me that she was satisfied and the when she get home, write a letter and was dissatisfied.
I can just hope that the other gets something out of the weekend and that they don’t pretend to be satisfied!
Back to work
2 days ago
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