Saturday, October 31, 2015


en oberäknelig en...

Man får passa sig, för man vet aldrig vem som blir utvald att vara oomtyckt nästa gång, men det man kan vara säker på, är att det kommer att vara "nån"... och då är det inte "kära nån"...


längar hem... (och då är jag ändå hemma).

Det är till mitt första hem, som idag är mitt andra hem som jag längtar till... jag ser mig som en person som har luftrötter, kan vara hemma där jag trivs... och ibland vill jag tillbaks till de så kallade "huvudrötterna", därifrån jag började växa, bli någon och där tryggheten och grundkärleken finns och är.

All Saints Day is here...

Yesterday. Halloween party at my bread and butter job, a regular feature of the business I'm in the daytime ... always appreciated being able to dress up, eat candy and snacks and dancing around a while.

Possibly not my favorite thing, but I rejoice when others rejoice and have fun, then I also offer myself for a while.

I'm much more to light a candle, give a thought to those who stood close to me, but that is not here living among us, but in the memory forever.

So, all my thoughts to you who were once in life, but still present.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

skulle räcka långt...

det finns grader och vinklar på allt...

mer ostabilt än vad jag trodde...

eller hopp... om...

inte helt enkelt...

Eller så är det helt enkelt för jävligt långt där inne...

boil the beets are like to evoke Halloween...

I love beets cooked with butter, but hate to cook them, how I do, it will always be the same messy resutat, fireplace looks like a spotted bloodbath type.

But some shit get well take if you like the result?!

men nu så oenderligt trött...

Kan det vara att vi slagit om mot vintertid?!
Kan det vara en förkylning som börjat skava i halsen?!
Eller kan det vara ett allmänt trött tillstånd, som inte beror på de två första påståendena?!

för några dagar har jag känt mig...

för vaddå?!

Ibland har man rättigheter som man vet om, men som andra väljer att se annorlunda på... i nåt sorts positivt skimmer av falskhet eller kanske bara okunskap.

än en gång...

Halloween står för dörren och jag är inte redo, o då börjar affärerna skylta om för jul...

Ingen ordning, nu har julskyltning kört om halloween... man hinner inte ens börja fira en grej för att nästa står och gör sig påmind och det är faktiskt hela 8 långa veckor fram till jul.

att förklara en tuff dag i bild...


Skavsår på knäna och blåmärken i själen.

fly paper, it is no longer a question whether I, or they...

Now I have started an indoor war against my hoverflies, now I have had enough and takes the heavy artillery, flypaper a'la old style. Long live the internet and e-commerce!

I have tried all sorts of mixtures and bath to submerge the small lives, but they seem to think that it is just sipping little and fly on, but no, not anymore!

Monday, October 26, 2015

leaves ghost...

Halloween time!

Watch where you put your feet, perhaps is where a blood thirsty leaves 
and just waiting to put their leaves teeth in you...


A fine and a little scary picture I found in Malmö's new concert hall, we were up and have a coffee in the sky bar, but eh ?! It was closed between 14-17. No view of Malmö, this time, more than from eye level.

Lisa Tofft...

I like Lisa Toffts humor and bought some postcards when I was in Malmö ...

a very funny sign that I received from my friend Josefin...

Josefin visited me in February and then she found this sign in a small grocery store in Majorna.

The money goes to stray dogs and doctors without borders.

my kitchen and my workshop...

Now it was a long time since something focused on my art on this blog, but I can say, it continues parallett with all the rest ... although I have not added any images in a very long while, so I have a lot of new and interesting ideas to work (for me interesting) with which I work with as soon as I have the energy and time.

last week"end" in Malmö... -Monday

The weather is with us, awoke to a beautiful sunny and crisp autumn day.

Our goal today was to visit Yallatrappan, as we have seen on TV and been impressed by. Yallatrappan located in Rosengård, Zlatan Ibrahimovic old quarter...

Just as nice and good as I imagined it all, somewhat smaller place, but it was only in the positive direction, cozy!

Monday and beautiful! So happy and so surprised that the housing company had a large fine workhorse collected garbage in the area, so crazy good, so wonderful and so back to when I was little and was at grandmother and grandfather and their neighbor came driving horse and carriage. The sound of hooves and the smell, which is fine elements in the public sphere.

This horse experiences made me happy all day!

I was pleasantly surprised by the Rosengård (the small part I saw of it) after having seen so much crap from this area on television and the news so it was a completely different atmosphere, renthet and emotion that greeted me.
It was so nice that they put up pictures of building facades with männisor and various dishes, these fine domes which adorned the square and shops with interesting content. I'm always curious as to what can be found in these shops that are anything but the Hemköp and Willys type (our food chains).

After Yalla Steps and Rosengård and our nice moment where we took the bus down to the town.
I had the goal to find a pair of shoes, my favorite shoes are worn out and I know that Malmö has nice shops with the shoes I want. Unfortunately, there were only a few remaining in size 37, and purple in addition, so tji shoes on this trip.

But I found a lot of other nice shoes that were sculptures by a bridge!

Such beautiful...

Different angles from the town, up and down ...

Eva Hilds sculpture...

Up and down..

One last ice cream, ice cream certainly last for this year at the central station in Malmö, on the way home after incredibly beautiful and inspiring and good days!

Bye for now!