Thursday, October 7, 2010

sometimes when you need flowers you got flowers…

Today the morning was grey and rainy and I took the tram instead of the bicycle to work, and when I arrived one of the people I work with and have know for many years before I started this work, had bought me flower as a thank for that we have know each other for a very long time (before) and that she think that I’m a kind person to her. Could the day start better?! To got flower from an absolutely unselfish person. It made my day I can tell. Even if I have my doubts sometimes this makes me sure that I’m in the right place when I’m not doing jewellery…
It’s like working with angels without wings, kindly people that loves you for the one you are more or less.

1 comment:

Joanne Haywood said...

Beautiful flowers Paula!

Jo xxxxx