Sunday, September 12, 2010

what is the message???

Kristdemokraterna / Christian Democrats will never ever been an option for me not now and not later…
But I continue my observation about the Swedish election…
These election posters are so strange that you have no clue at all what the Kristdemokraterna / Christian Democrats want to say with it. Or have you?!
In the weekend newspaper that I subscribe at, this paraphrase image showed up today and I thought it was a nice and interesting complement to the regular posters… In Swedish it says: för ett mänskligare Sverige = for a more human Sweden… But I think it would be; för ett märkligare Sverige = For a more notable Sweden.

This party has taking patent at the word; verkligetens folk… I wonder what it means with that… Verklighetens folk = reality people.

Last election it was utanförskap who was the big issue, no one want to be in utanförskapet = alienation.

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