Saturday, March 27, 2010

daylight saving time - sommartid…

At Sunday 28th of Marsh it’s time to adjust the clock forward in Sweden…

Daylight saving time
(DST; also summer time in British English—see Terminology) is the practice of temporarily advancing clocks so that afternoons have more daylight and mornings have less. Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn.

Sommartid innebär att lokal tid justeras fram (vanligtvis en timme) under en del av året för att bättre nyttja den ljusa delen av dygnet under sommaren. Sommartid används i omkring 70 länder runt om i världen, mer än hälften av dem i Europa.

I tropikerna är sommartid ovanligt (men förekommer), eftersom skillnaden mellan sommar och vinter är mindre. Även i länder närmare polerna gör sommartid mindre nytta eftersom dagsljuset på sommaren i många fall sträcker sig hela det vakna dygnet (trots det har de länderna i allmänhet sommartid). Sommartid användes första gången sommaren 1916, då Tyskland, Sverige, Storbritannien och flera andra länder hade sommartid.

Earth Hour...

Earth Hour 2010 will take place on March 27, 2010
from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., local time.

Here you can see what’s happen around the world…

Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. Earth hour was conceived by WWF and The Sydney Morning Herald in 2007, when 2.2 million residents of Sydney participated by turning off all non-essential lights. Following Sydney's lead, many other cities around the world adopted the event in 2008.
Earth Hour 2010 will take place on March 27, 2010 from
8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., local time.

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Lördagen den 27 mars 2010 klockan 20.30 genomförs världens största klimatmanifestation. Genom en enkel handling – att släcka ljuset under en timme – visar du ditt stöd för klimatet och uppmanar samtidigt världens makthavare att agera i klimatfrågan. Delta i Earth Hour – var en del av lösningen.

Friday, March 26, 2010

early, I know…

Dear visitors and friends… a little bite early, but…
I wish you all a HAPPY EASTER!

here I come...

This weekend I prepare me for my trip to Girona, Spain, to visit Montserrat and her husband Agusti…
Look forward to meet them again, almost a year since the last time we saw each other at their summer island Formentera.

from + 12 degree to a dead duck at the same day…

Today I have been out with one of my neighbour and friend Charlotte at Klippan down by the water front… It wasn’t as warm as it was yesterday, but we were sitting outdoors and cross our finger for the sun to show up, unlucky it doesn’t happen today…

a mix of...


från skräp till belysning - from lumber to lighting…

Från skräp till belysning

Kreativt och ekologiskt "Captivate" är utformad på så vis att man ska kunna använda avfall och förvandla det till rogivande belysning. Olika flaskkorkar kan skruvas på för att ändra färg och mönster på ljuset. Varje lampa levereras med femtio korkar men om man vill täcka ljuset helt kan man samla in fler korkar.

Endast 5,5% av alla plastflaskor som säljs i Storbritannien återvinns, vilket betyder att 40 tusen ton flaskor går till deponier varje år. Korkar återvinns oftast inte eftersom de är gjorda av en annan plast än flaskor. Med detta i åtanke skapade formgivaren Lucy Norman lampan Captivate.

Artenius Packaging levererar skadade PET-flaskor som de ej kan återvinna, tillsammans med West Ham United som donerar flaskkapsyler som de samlar in vid alla hemmamatcher. De insamlade delarna skickas till Watford Workshop för montering. Workshopen är en registrerad välgörenhetsorganisation som tillhandahåller utbildning och sysselsättning för personer med funktionshinder.



Only 5.5% of plastic bottles sold in the UK are recycled, which leaves 40 thousand tonnes left to go into landfill each year. This is an ambient light made from plastic bottle tops and caps. Different bottle caps can be collected to change the light's colour and pattern.

CAPtivate has different stages, colours and effects, engaging the user in recreating the light continually, encouraging emotional durability

Each light comes with approximately 50 caps but to cover the light completely more bottle tops must be collected.


Bicycle Saddle Seat

This Seat was comissioned by NorthSouthIdeasGallery for their bicycle show in Highgate.
Made from old bicycle saddles collected from all the bike shops in and around Hackney. Their seat posts are assembled around two used bicycle wheels.

This Bicycle Saddle Seat was found at the same site as the plastic bottles lightings…

Thursday, March 25, 2010

my buy in today…

My new tea-strainer, isn’t it a typical Paula thing?! I think so…
Red and plastic; could it be better for my evening tea?!

a lovely day…

The first really warm spring day in Gothenburg, today I meet my friend Anita and we had a great, nice fika outdoors, a lovely feeling after a loooooooong snowy winter.

Today it felt like everyone had a smile on their lips, amazing to feel the spring, open up the jacket and drop the mitten. Today I took my bicycle downtown for the first time this year, and that is late.

Rebecca Burkhalter...

Rebecca Burkhalter

I really loved Rebecca’s paintings of childhood memories… I really want to touch the paintings, to feel with my hand where the surfaces started and end… It’s hard to see with the eye and to tell were the motive starts and end because of the technique to not leave a trace of the brush are the idea and the point of the artist works… If you have time, stop by gallery Thomassen and feel the atmosphere by yourself, I can warmly recommend it.

a pipe guy who has lost the ground…


self portrait made in photo booth program…

I have always found it interesting to work with my own face/self portrait to see who I am, what I can be and so on, to learn to accept and understand the image of myself, in my own and others eyes.
A photo is always a 2-D shape, we are so much more than a 2-D surfaces and I think that is really interesting… Sometimes you can get the question; don’t you have a photo of… My answer has always been; yes, but why?!
It’s better to meet the person in reality and see what’s happen when someone open their mouths and act.

human face photos… scary, interesting and fascinated...

Take a look by yourself at;

I found it the site a bow at;

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

my latest flea market finding…

This porcelain bird was mine for 30 Swedish kronor.
The place for the bird is over my bed behind my window, as some kind of artificial nature moving in…

blossom in my kitchen...

The first flower this year...

Saturday 20th of March...

Små stjärnor lyser också i mörker – tiny stars also shine in the dark

I was with friend and neighbour Viola to Kvibergs market and to Bellevue market.
A sunny day and her in Sweden the vårdgasjämning / equinox, the night and day are approximately equally long…

Kviberg is in my opinion an amazing area, place… I love to be there with all the amazing things you can see, eat, feel and buy. For me, when I don’t have the money to go to Marrakech in Morocco or Camden in London or other good and interesting market places outside Sweden, I take the tram 11 to Kviberg and enjoy a day with people from all over the world and smell the flavours that is in the air and get part of the atmosphere up there.
For me it’s a travel dream for a day that just cost me the tram ticket.

For you how live in Gothenburg and also for you how are in Gothenburg as tourists and stay over a weekend, I can absolutely recommend to visit the Kviberg market and the area close to it, Bellevue area.
Ni svenskar som läser detta, vare sig ni bor I Göteborg eller inte, klicka er in och skriv under.
Ja, vi får se hur villiga politiker och fastighetsbolag är att behålla en plats som besöks av omkring 10 000 varje helg. Det är tydligen bara att kämpa på och visa att detta behövs, det är en del av samhället som absolut bör finnas kvar… Likriktning av samhället håller på att ta över, bevara det folkliga…

The bahá'íer believers celebrate Naw-Rúz their new year today too,

Naw-Rúz in the Bahá'í Faith is one of nine holy days for adherents of the Bahá'í Faith worldwide and the first day of the Bahá'í calendar occurring on the vernal equinox, around March 21. Norouz, historically and in contemporary times, is the celebration of the traditional Iranian new year holiday and is celebrated throughout the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia such as in Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. Since ancient times it has been a national holiday in Iran and was celebrated by more than one religious group. The Báb, the founder of Bábism, and then Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, adopted the day as a holy day and associated it with the Most Great Name of God.

Naw-Rúz är nyårshelgen för bahá'íer över hela världen. De bahá'í-troende har en egen kalender, den s.k. badi-kalendern, i vilken året är indelat i 19 tidsperioder som speglar gudomliga aspekter, och som vardera har 19 dagar. Nyårsdagen infaller alltid det bahá'í-dygn som börjar vid solnedgången den 20 mars och slutar vid solnedgången den 21 mars. Denna nyårsdag kallas i bahá'í-kalendern för den 1 bahá, eller på svenska för 1 prakt. Bahá'í-dygnet börjar således vid solnedgången, lokal tid. Nyårsslaget är inte standardiserat, utan infaller exakt vid solnedgången på olika platser i världen.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday 19th March…

Today I meet my friend and college Janina Kurp for lunch and a cup of coffee… a nice meeting with good company and good Indian food.

Sometimes is good to sit in a quiet place and talk about life and jewellery… about what’s going on in our jewellery world and so on.

Thomas C Chung...

I got this invitation by Thomas C Chung, by e-mail… We meet when he was working at Konstepidemin last year and we had kept the contact a little, some e-mail now and then.
I get info when Thomas is showing his things in different places all around our round world, now it’s time for Norway and Drammen, I have no idea where that is… But I’m always grateful over the invitations, it’s always good to know what friends and colleges are doing.

Galleri Athene
3-25 April 2010
Gjetergatan 8
3015 Drammen

GOOD LUCK THOMAS! I wish you all luck.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Paula Lindblom...

Finally I have done one of all my ideas, a goose necklace to remain of…
-Think before you act…

Fables attributed to Aesop

The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs.

A man and his wife had the good fortune to possess a goose which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough, and, imagining the bird must be made of gold inside, they decided to kill it. Then, they thought, they could obtain the whole store of precious metal at once; however, upon cutting the goose open, they found its innards to be like that of any other goose.

• Greed destroys the source of good.
• Think before you act.
• Those who want too much lose everything.

The moral of wanting more and losing everything is similar to that of another Aesop fable called The Dog and the Bone. In the English language, "Killing the golden goose" has become a metaphor for any short-sighted action that may bring an immediate reward, but will ultimately prove disastrous.

Aisopos Fabler

Gåsen som värpte guldägg

En bonde ägde en tupp som varje dag värpte ett ägg av renaste guld. Han levde gott av dessa ägg och blev med tiden ganska rik. Men bonden ville ha ännu mer guld så han tänkte: "En sådan gås måste vara gjord av rent guld och kunde jag få allt guld på en gång så skulle jag bli ännu rikare". Han slaktade gåsen endast för att finna att hon såg likadan ut inuti som alla andra gäss. Gåsen kunde han aldrig få tillbaka och han blev dessutom av med sitt dagliga guldägg.

"Girighet är roten till allt ont."

Thea Clark…

1) Thorny Flower Brooch, 2010

2) "Domestic Inclusions #2", 2009, felt, cotton, pearl, pvc, steel, paint, silver, mica
photo by Larry Sanders

Paula Lindblom in a creative mess... or another word; working process…

This is some of all the ideas and things who occupied my mind right now, so many ideas that I will make finish, seeing what’s happened with my ideas in my head and my thoughts when then comes out and up in 3 D shapes of reality…
As you all know more and less, the idea could be great when you see it in your mind, but in reality it can be totally wrong…

I have the “way”, but I haven’t the end destination… This is always interesting and also a little bite frustrated and irritated… to have a view in my head, my mind and then let it out in the most “good” or “perfect” way… to translate a thought into reality…

Today it gives me headache, too many ideas and to little time to work with it…
But I think that called life?!

Right now I working with everything, glass beads, porcelain animal, and plastic laminated images, every day plastic objects, buttons and so on, everything is for the moment a creative mess…

Every piece that I work with has a story and/or connection to the past or some fairy tale.