Friday, November 23, 2012

some close ups of me at the conference ”Ka-tziing!”

Klockan 8.10, den 14:e november på Biograf Draken, Göteborg, började de första besökarna och utställarna från regionen strömma in till Ka-tziing! Sedan kom regionens bussar från bland annat Dalsland, Bohuslän, Skaraborg med mera. Programmet bjöd inledningsvis på Pecha Kucha-presentationer. Därefter talade den intressante holländske forskaren Giep Hagoort. Moderator för dagen var Yvonne Rock.
Kulturföretagare från områden som dans, film, litteratur, konsthantverk, musik, teater och konst berättade om sina fram- och motgångar i pechakucha-format.

I Drakens foajé fanns 21 organisationer som arbetar med stöd till kulturella och kreativa näringar i regionen. Genom denna minimässa gavs både överblick över stödstrukturen samt möjligheter att prata med dem som arbetar för att stödja kulturföretagare (fler sådana organisationer finns på denna länk):
Coompanion GBG-regionen | Brewhouse Arena | ALMI Företagspartner Väst Kulturatet Väst | Tillt | Drivhusen Västra Götaland | Utveckling NordOst | Innovatum ACT | Lindholmen Science Park | Trappan/Teateralliansen | Nyföretagarcentrum Väst | Nyföretagarcentrum Skaraborg | Folk och Form ( ADA, Konsthantverkscentrum, Slöjd i Väst) | Danscentrum Väst | Konstnärscentrum Väst | Musikcentrum Väst | Fyrbodals Kommunalförbund | Sjuhärads Kommunalförbund | Kultur i Väst | Nätverkstan | Västra Götalandsregionens Näringslivsutvecklingsenhet.
Föreläsning med Giep Hagoort
Holländsk forskare som 2010 ledde arbetet med EU:s Grönbok om kulturella och kreativa näringar.
Samtal om kulturföretagande
Dagen avslutades med samtal om kulturföretagande i mindre grupper som fokuserade på de områden som täcks in av de Pecha Kucha-presenterade kulturföretagen. Här fanns möjlighet att dela erfarenheter och frågor med såväl konferensdeltagare som utställare från minimässan.
Konferensen planerades och genomfördes av Nätverkstans projekt KNEP i samarbete med Västra Götalandsregionens projekt Kvintessensen – Affärsutveckling av kulturella näringar. Finansiering skedde med stöd av Europeiska Socialfonden, Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden och Västra Götalandsregionen.
Foton tagna av fotograf Carina Gran. Fler foton finns även på engelskspråkiga bloggen Social & Cultural entrepeneur.

Have you ever heard the sound of money pooring into to your cash register? The sound is illustrated with a big ”Ka-tziing” (at least in Swedish…) when figures like Scrooge McDuck in the Donald Duck cartoons is pooring more gold coins into his already dense cashbox.

”Kablonk” documentary filmer Bengt Löfgren illustrated the sound of the few coins he could cash in after his large film projects. Despite many successful film projects, winning prices and being shown on television, his pockets were still echoing empty he said with a smile. But you have to keep on, not wait for the money, and continue ”listen, learn, and develop” he concluded.

One of the stimulating points of the conference ”Ka-tziing!” in Göteborg on November 14, was when artists within film, literature, visual art, handicraft, performing arts, and music told short pecha-kucha stories of how they live on their art.

The conference and small market fair gathered 250 energetic and interested participants from art, culture, regional office, and organizations working with cultural entrepreneurship, to discuss, mingle, network, and get information of what Region Västra Götaland is doing to facilitate the entrepreneurial side of a cultural and artistic freelance work.

Guest key note speaker was Giep Hagoort, researcher of Utrecht School of the Arts (Holland), focussing on the entrepreneurial dimension of cultural and creative industries (also the title of his latest booklet), addressing the main point that all discussions and research on art and cultural entrepreneurship have to start in close relation to the actual artistic scene – to the practice.
Researchers have a tendency to sit in their ivory towers and not meet with the practice. To reach new interesting research, this needs to be challenged. And a quick hand-up on how many researchers this conference had attracted showed one person.

Perhaps no glimmering new solutions of how to get Ka-tziing instead of Kablonk in your pocket, but ideas, perspectives, inspiration, and a lot of time to mingle and look for connections among those who can support in how to a little better sustain yourself.

The conference was an initiative by Region Västra Götaland and Knep, an educational project run by Nätverkstan, supported by the European Social Fund. Funding the conference was European Social Fund and Region Västra Götaland. Performers during the day was Uttryckslabbet. Download the program here: Ka-tziing_inbjudan.pdf.

This is my own photo...

I got the image of me by the photographer Carina Gran, and I´m aloud to use them for my blog and I´m grateful for that, it nice to show all my visitors, friends and family my Pecha Kucha speech in images. It was a great day in many ways, nice to connect with other artist and take part of what´s happen all-around in Västra Götaland.

Thank you Carina!

Maybe I could have some negative approaches by the day and it was how it ends, it was in small groups where “we” was talking about the day and what questions that showed up, it was great talks, thoughts and ideas, but in the end I got some advice, the first one was; you have to sell and show your things aboard”, and off course I know that it can be a way, and I have a lot of contacts with jewelry artist and others all around the world and I use internet very well I think, to connect and show me and my art. The other advice was in an easy and good tune; “if you can´t live on your art, you are selling to cheap”. The two things about this is in my way of look at it, the day was about what we could do in our own area Västra Götalandsregionen, I think that it is a little bit strange to end up in Japan… and the second thing is that even if it was said in a nice and good tune, that I perhaps sell my things to cheap… Off course, that’s life, even if I sell all my things in some of my exhibitions I can´t afford to live only by my art, that is pity and really really sad I think, I have years of education loan, years of studies and a home and life to take care about… So once again, even IF I sell, I can´t see that I can live on it, only…

Positive in my own small world was that it was the first time I did a speech in this form as the Pecha Kucha is and I hope I got the chance some more time in my life time, I´m really sure that I will do it better next time. The other positive thing or a new Experian in my own small world was that I use and wear a headset for the very first time.
The most positive was to meet the other Pecha Kucha speakers and get new colleges in other art fields. I think that all the speakers for this PK form were great and amazing! Really interesting to see and hear what they had so say about their art work and way of working.
I´m very very grateful that I got the question to be one of the six speakers.


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