Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Monday – Tuesday- Wednesday… soap bubble time…


Martin Mc Faul...
Me... Tuessday...

My feets...

Monday – Tuesday- Wednesday… soap bubble time…

I working with photography at Kulturlabbet and sometimes I have to come up with some activity so we can take photo of something new, something un expect etc…

This was a really, really fun and appreciated activity, and we also had sunshine these days, so what more could you ask for?! Absolutely wonderful and life quality days and also very much done… We take around 500 photos these days, everyone is of course not good, but many are both good and interesting, but what we learned was that it isn’t easy to catch a bubble on photo.

One of the days I took a lot of really good photos of the once I work with, but by integrity I don’t want to post the image at the blog, this is just photos of me and a college, who is hidden behind a bubble.

Here is the recipe;

½ dl washing up liquid (YES)
¼- ½ dl glycerol
2-5 dl water
1 tsp powder sugar (florsocker in Swedish, but also granulated sugar is okay...)

You have to test what’s best… you can take more or less of all this things, but I think that is good to keep close to the measure…

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