Thursday, November 6, 2008

I’m sooooooooooooo grateful over all my visitors...

The blog gives me new friend all over the world, that wasn’t nothing I was thinking about when I started the blog, it’s a nice bonus in life… Always good and interesting to learn to know more people around the world, and the internet makes it possible.

Here is a line from my new friend FERNANDO from Buenos Aires.

“Any way, I always see your web page (every morning, it has became a habit).

Nice to know the visitors behind the blog, I know that people from all over the world are visiting my blog, but I don’t know who hey are and why they visit my blog. The best way of knowing is IF people would be nice to leave a comment, then I and others could see what’s “good or bad” about the blog…

I’m sooooooooooooo grateful over all my visitors, and I like to know that people out there are interesting about, everyday life things, nice jewellery artist, small and big things in life etc.

I think this idea with blogging are so interesting, so good and also so fast communicating over the boarders.
I think our world become smaller in a good way, when all these kind of communicating in the cyber space exist.

I write my blog in English, just to reach more people, BUT I know that my English isn’t so good, But my idea about it is, that first of all; one image says more than 1000 words, and if you want something you have to try…
So I do my best, but I know that my English are more or less like the Muppet show.


Recienvenido said...

Dear Paula: I always thaught that I am a tremendous lucky boy: the web is infinite or almost; AND I HAD THE CHANCE TO FIND YOU!!!!!!!
You have made me know your wonderful world of jewelry; before knowing you, I wasn't interested in jewells, now I love them: but first of all I love the wondeful teacher that introduce me in this marvelous branch of art!!!!

paula lindblom said...

Dear Fernando.

I’m glad that you can see the jewelleries with all the other “things”, this is a blog with focus at jewelleries, that’s my intention, I’m burning for the jewelleries art and I really, really want to teach and learn other and show what’s going on in this area of art, BUT also the life behind, the way from idea, a coffee break to an exhibition moment.

I want to show that even if I and others got focus to make jewellery art, you have to earn money, you have to talk about your things, participant in workshops, meet other jewellery artists, work for networks, be a part of, searching scholarship and you need to get other people who don’t understand this “new” art form as jewellery art is, to be wear of, to get happy or upset about… For me this is a process… the result is wearable jewellery.

This system of using the blog for showing my stuff and others is a great opportunity. I don’t need to select out, no body can control my choice of what I want and will show, it’s no jury who judge or select what’s good, nice or the best for the moment… It’s just my choice!

I also have the intention to create a good atmosphere in my blog, a nice feeling and a good feeling… I like to add a lot of photos, more than words… May be because I’m not so good at English… But I try in English so I can reach more people.

With these ideas I think and believe that we in the end are a whole big world, with no boarders… May be a utopia, but I think that it’s good to have view for an understanding future.
It would be nice if we all on earth could be humans after our ideas, that we don’t are so stocked into who we looks like, which sex we have, which age we are or nationality or religion… One day we may be have the opportunity to just being humans?!
May be this is far from a jewelleries??? But for me it walks hand in hand… I use my art to work with things that I will change, illustrate, observe, etc.

I believe in a good world there every one have a safe place.

With love and thoughts Paula.