Tuesday, December 16, 2014

To all of you, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Det har varit ett bra år, trots att jag haft nästan två år som gått i varandra och ställt till en massa med mitt sinne och humör. NU känner jag att det har vänt och jag har det bra, är inspirerad och har en massa härliga och trevliga vänner runt mig.

Mina high lights i år var att Röhsska museet bestämde sig för att köpa in två av mina smycken! Ett annat var att jag var iväg till Istanbul, både för att föreläsa om min konst samt hälsa på en kär vän. Vi hade en verkligt finfin sommar I Sverige, med härliga värmerekord i en hel månad och det kan en värme och soldyrkare inte klaga på! Var också i den vevan ännu en gång till Turkiet, blev bjuden av min snälla syster att följa med på en vecka och bada i Medelhavet samt umgås med henne och hennes finfina barn! Det har hänt andra bra saker men det får jag tala om när vi ses du och jag.

Nu önskar jag dig ett GOTT SLUT och en GOD FORTSÄTTNING!

Och till dig som jag haft lite kontakt med under året...  MEN jag har tänkt på dig!

Massor med tankar, Paula.

It's been a good year, even though I had almost two years that have passed each other and put a lot with my mind and mood. NOW I feel that it has turned and I have it good, is inspired and has a lot of lovely and nice friends around me.

My highlights this year was to Röhsska Museum decided to buy two of my jewellery! Another was that I was off to Istanbul, both to lecture about my art and visit a dear friend. We had a truly great summer in Sweden, with glorious highs for a whole month and it can be a warmth and sun worshipers do not complain about! Also in the same period I once again took off  to Turkey, I was invited by my good sister to join her and her children for a week and swim in the Mediterranean and spend time there with them! It has also happened other good things, but it that I can tell you if we meet.

Now I wish you a good end and a Happy New Year!

And to you that I had little contact with during the year ... But I have thought of you!

Lots of thought, Paula.

my last two jewellery...

My last two ornaments for this year, these will be included in a the Unda Uastus project 2015.

I have not had time to shoot them, so I added those in the scanner instead ... hence quality.

Sunday and Tuesday, "coffee" with a friend...

We like the simplicity...



Christmas red, down town...


I like the red... Christmas red...


Saturday, December 13, 2014

 Thought this resembled a face...

  - Ishockey och fotboll la la la la...

Old stuff;

Lucia at Konstepidemin with two of my friends and one of their sons... I thought it was as the traditional Christmas market up there, but no... Every single artist that has an open workshop/studio could sell their own things. a little bite pity I think, because even if it was a choir singing, the Christmas and Lucia feeling was missing I think.

”Fanfare for the common man” A clown part of the way against the fanfare of Kristin Rode.
A clown that the son in our company enjoy very much.

We visit Sverker Eklund in his studio and his amazing "girls" sculptures and some new once, fighters... and Eva Zethraeus studio with any more amazing sculptures, that was the whole, then we had a fika and listen to Gunnar Danielsson.

Sankta Lucia...

Sankta Lucia, ljusklara hägring,
sprid i vår vinternatt glans av din fägring.
Drömmar med vingesus under oss sia,
tänd dina vita ljus, Sankta Lucia.
Kom i din vita skrud, huld med din maning.
Skänk oss, du julens brud, julfröjders aning.
Drömmar med vingesus, under oss sia,
tänd dina vita ljus, Sankta Lucia.
Trollsejd och mörkermakt ljust du betvingar,
signade lågors vakt skydd åt oss bringar.
Drömmar med vingesus, under oss sia,
tänd dina vita ljus, Sankta Lucia.
Stjärnor som leda oss, vägen att finna,
bli dina klara bloss, fagra prästinna.
Drömmar med vingesus, under oss sia,
tänd dina vita ljus, Sankta Lucia.

Friday, December 12, 2014

things you can find on the street ...

A silicone frog who now lives in my kitchens garden or rather jungle.

a great boost...

I strengthen my immune system ...has suffered from a bad cold,
so I think this will help me along the way ...

Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, onions, artichoke, carrot potato, ginger, garlic, lemon, lime and sage ...

Roasted vegetables, tea and cold drinks + fresch iceberg lettuce.

lasting until my 50th birthday ...


Looking back from the summer...

Side, a Turkish tourist ghetto.

I was invited by my sister to come with her and her children to the seaside resort of Side last summer, which was very kind and nice!

My biggest fasination during this warm and nice week was that we sunbathed packed sardines as well as all real ugly mannequins standing outside all sorts of business.

Since I already had a good view of Turkey after a trip earlier in the spring to Istanbul, I can truly say that this was not like the Turkey I've already been in once, no Turkish coffee, no Turkish tea no no Turkish at all, more than that we were in Turkey geographically, BUT it was good nonetheless, warm and a lovely Mediterranean to swim in and very nice to hang out with some of my family.