Sunday, April 29, 2012

from Maja Breife...

Today I got some photos form the exhibition from Maja Breife one of the two who runs the Jänis gallery in Turku, Finland.

Thank you Maja for letting me know how it looks like in reality.

Galleria Jänis esittää:


22.4. - 18.5. 2012

Paula Lindblom on Göteborgissa asuva korutaiteilija ja alan aktiivinen bloggaaja.

Näyttelyssä taiteilija esittää kattauksen uniikkeja, veistotaidetta läheneviä koruja, joiden materiaalit löytyvät kotoa, kävelyltä tai kirpputoreilta. Korut ovat samalla leikkisiä, yllätyksellisiä ja värikkäitä, mutta osuvat myös kulutusyhteiskunnan kipeään kohtaan.

Taiteilijaa kiinnostaa tuoda teoksissaan yhteen ajatukset koristautumisesta, kauneudesta ja arvokkaasta sekä ei-toivotusta, arvottomasta ja rumasta.


hanging flower-pot...

This is the result of the hanging flower-pot that I got from Eva Zethraeus.
Now I just need the plants for it.

try outs...

I try and I try different material and shapes, this will be a brooch in the end, it is wool, silver, glass beads and pupa.

I get inspired about and old collaboration work that me and Hanna Hedman come up with in
the workshop Taking parts with Karin Seufert , Konstepidemin, Gothenburg Sweden 2008. 

Mixed material...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

what would life been without a great cup of coffee and good company?

I don’t know what I should do without a great cup of coffee and a cake in good friends company?!

I’m fortunate with great loving friends that are good listeners, good supports and also very very direct in their comments and advice, something that I appreciate a lot.
I want to send a thought to all of you that has support me in different ways the last weeks, it has been my family, my close friends and my outstanding great colleges. THANK you all!

I know that you know what I’m thanking for…

The last week so many of my nearest friend and family has become my complain wall, and I ´m so glad that you have been there for me. I don’t see me as a complaining person but the out circumstance has made me sad the last weeks… and I have to say this because I think that is a part of life to, to need friends and to be vulnerable…

Thursday, April 26, 2012

a sad spectacle in the end of the day…

At my way home from my work today, a dead pheasant, I think this is a beautiful and grand bird when I see them at the countryside at a meadow, it was a long time since a saw this kind of bird and I have never seen it in Gothenburg and today I saw it in the corner of the eye…

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

jag vill få vara mamma...

This evening I was with a friend and "old" college who is special pedagogy from the beginning and has a lovely brother with intellectual disabilities to a great play at Stadsteatern, it was a collaboration between Stadsteatern and Moomsteatern from Malmö. I earn my bread end butter money to be a instructor in colour and shape in a daily activity for adult people with intellectual disabilities a work that I love, these people give me so much, some think that it is me who giving these people a lot, but I will say that it is a give and take situation, even if I am the instructor…I learn a lot and some days I extend my life with some years because of all the joy and laugh.
I thought it was nice to see this “target group” as professional actors.

The play was interesting in many ways (a lot of layers) and from the beginning it was easy to laugh with the actors and after a while the play gets heavier and deeper… The character that shaped by Niclas Lendemar, Åsa-Lena Hjelm was superb, so amazing so great and so remember able, even if I think all the actors has great characters and did it great.
I especial like the last words from Gustav Ekman Mellbin, may be because it touched my life were I stand right now, it was strong and give me some more to think about… I hope it may be gives me courage to move further in some ways.

I have to add that some parts in the play, as the disco dance scene somewhere in the middle of the play felt a little bite like Giorgos Lanthimos film Dogtooth from 2009. This play was also about a dysfunctional family that wants their best for the children and for the husband and wife and somewhere in all that they got lost… they also invited a third person to the family that have other views about life and order, also totally other assumptions in life… vegetarian, single, ideas about dreams and so on.

This compare is nothing bad; it’s just a reflection by the item of the play or some of it…

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

tiden är knapp…

A play with words and material...

I don’t know how to translate this into English.

Monday, April 23, 2012

down town...

Some days when I discover new places in the city I fall in love in the city again… and again… I love the atmosphere the smell and the sound and some days as this when the sun is heating and people are sitting outdoors at the cafés the sense felt more open. It has been a great day at town with one of my friends.

I think that the time I have lived in Gothenburg has been as a rollercoaster for the city, it has been old places, then new places, then ordinary places or flashy once too and now I think it has become as old times, individual and nice in many ways… right now I think Gothenburg is the right place for me to be in and get inspired in…

blossom as a view from an aircraft window...

This could be a map from above… It looks a little bite as when you look down from the aircraft window…
I have mixed with a blossom pic and then this happen; it starts a new way of thing or look at the pic.

finally the spring is here ( again )…

In my hoods today...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The world book and copyright day…

23 April The world book and copyright day… I saw this poster yesterday and I think it would be great to be there, but as a bad comic stripe; I have the laundry time at the same time and I have to choose the laundry for this culture event with great artist, that’s the way of living in public utility and share the laundry with all the other tenant.

I Unescos beslut står bland annat:

- "att böcker genom historien varit det mest kraftfulla medlet för att sprida kunskap och det mest effektiva sättet att bevara kunskap"

- att allt som görs för att sprida böcker är till fördel för dem som har tillgång till böcker, men det utvecklar också vår gemensamma kunskap om kulturtraditioner i världen och inspirerar till handlingar grundande på förståelse, tolerans och dialog"

Yttrandefrihet, demokrati och kulturell mångfald är teman på Världsbokdagen och runtom i landet skapar Författarcentrum tillsammans med biblioteken hundratals möten mellan författare och läsare runt om i landet med stöd av Kulturrådet. I Göteborg är musikern, fembarnspappan, anarkisten och poeten Mattias Alkberg som i vintras släppte den brutalt bra diktsamlingen Era svin, en av deltagarna på Världsbokens dag…

Även författare och poeter som 
Erik Andersson,
Lina Ekdahl,
Eija Hetekivi Olsson,
Alice Kassius Eggers
 och Ola Nilsson
 kommer delta i evenemanget. Bandet Slowgold står för musiken under kvällens gratisevenemang som börjar kl 18 måndag 23 april på Göteborgs stadsbibliotek.

I Katalonien i Spanien har man sedan 1900-talets början firat skyddshelgonet St Görans dag 23 april genom att ge en bok i gåva till dem man tycker om. Av tradition får givaren får en ros tillbaka. En så pass bra tradition att Unescos generalkonferens beslutat att 23 april är hela världens festdag för firandet av böcker, författare och läsning samt värnandet om upphovsrätten och människors fria tillgång till information.

Författarcentrum Väst är medarrangör till Göteborgsevenemanget.

Om Världsbokdagen

1995 beslutade Unescos generalkonferens att den 23 april skulle bli hela världens festdag för firandet av böcker, författare och läsning samt värnandet om upphovs-rätten och människors fria tillgång till information.

I Katalonien i Spanien har man sedan 1900-talets början firat skyddshelgonet St Görans (St Georges) dag den 23 april genom att ge en bok i gåva till dem man tycker om. Av tradition får givaren får en ros tillbaka. Med inspiration från denna tradition föreslog IPA, International Publishers Association en "internationell dag" och Spanien lämnade förslaget till Unesco.
World Book and Copyright Day

Idén om att uppmärksamma boken kompletterades med upphovsrätten och i november 1995 beslöt Unesco att utse den 23 april till the World Book and Copyright Day (Världsbok- och upphovsrättsdagen). Inte bara är den 23 april en katalansk dag, den är också minnesdag för författare som Shakespeare, Cervantes, Nabokov, Manuel Mejia Vellejo, de la Vega, Laxness, Josep Pia, Manuel Mjia Vallejo m.fl.

Upphovsrätt har länge varit en hjärtefråga för Unesco som ser dagen som ett sätt att fokusera bl.a på författarnas möjlighet till ersättning för sitt arbete i en snabbt digitaliserande värld.

I januari 2010 lanserade Unesco ”World Anti-Piracy Observatory” (WAPO) som ett led i bekämpningen av brott mot upphovsrätten. Det rör sig om en plattform online för globalt utbyte av information om nationella åtgärder och policies.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Paula Lindblom in Turku, Finland...

Now it’s time for my second solo exhibition this year…

I do not understand Finish at all but this is what the gallery sends out …

Galleria Jänis esittää:


22.4. - 18.5. 2012

Paula Lindblom on Göteborgissa asuva korutaiteilija ja alan aktiivinen bloggaaja.

Näyttelyssä taiteilija esittää kattauksen uniikkeja, veistotaidetta läheneviä koruja, joiden materiaalit löytyvät kotoa, kävelyltä tai kirpputoreilta. Korut ovat samalla leikkisiä, yllätyksellisiä ja värikkäitä, mutta osuvat myös kulutusyhteiskunnan kipeään kohtaan.

Taiteilijaa kiinnostaa tuoda teoksissaan yhteen ajatukset koristautumisesta, kauneudesta ja arvokkaasta sekä ei-toivotusta, arvottomasta ja rumasta.


Hi hi , here you can find some info about my exhibition who starts tomorrow in Turku, Finland.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

from my friend and college Janina Kurp...

This is her view of today, if you scroll down you can see my view of the day...

may be something in the end...


to all of you...

To all of you that visit my blog and support me in different ways, with comments, e-mail and in real life.

I give you ALL a shell heart and a wish about a great life and that you got the chance to do what you want and get response for it.

