Workshop. Taking Part.
16-19 October with Karin Seufert
To bring with:
“Old stuff”. This can be everything, like garbage, old cloths, old toys, broken glass, plastics, china, household-thing, whatever, but the best would be, if the things have visible trace of use, broken parts etc. The size doesn’t matter but not too huge!
-you should have some kind of connecting to this” old stuff”, something which fascinated you about it, something which attracts you.
-glue (2 components-glue, one second glue), tape, hot plastic glue
-thread, needle
-wire, forceps/pliers
-knife, scissor, saw
-paint (one colour you like) and brush
-hand tools, which you need to work with.
The participants:
Tobias Andersson
Sofia Björkman
Sara Borgegård
Åsa Christensson
Sonja Ekman
Maria Elmqvist
Özay Emert
Martina Frejd
Hanna Hedman
Paula Lindblom
Helena Sandström
Therese Stawlin
Klara Brynge
Gertrud Heinerud
Mona Wallström, kept the workshop together.
Some lovely, hectic and inspiration days working with recycling, “old” things together with colleges from other parts of Sweden.
Thursday-Friday-Saturday and finally Sunday with three speakers, talking about their ideas, their work and how their working, and why…
Very, very interesting, a lot of new fresh inspirations, but also a lot of new angles, nice things/photos etc.
Karin Seufert starts, with talking about a material box that she got from Marion Herbst husband, a swap … I really like Karin’s things and the ideas behind, and I have to tell, I meet my over man about doing small things, in a manic way! I thought I was doing small things in many, may parts… But I can tell, this woman does it MORE! Absolutely in a good way…
Then it was Anders Jacobsen, who was talking about radical handicraft, for me this wasn’t so interesting… I thought he had a little bite bitterness about the filed or area he was working in… I just want to say to Anders that I like his works and I think that sometimes an image says more that 1000 words, so drop the idea of using words in your work.
Keep up the good work and give a damn in what other things or “not” response at…
You know what you are doing and that’s what counts.
The last speaker was Hans Stofer professor at RCA in London- the matter of hand.
Shit! I really like his speech! I get really inspired about the things he was talking about and I like his things a lot. I hope I will hear more from this man. I got lots of new or other or in other direction thoughts when I was listing to Hans Stofer.
I’m very grateful that I get invited to this workshop!
It’s nice to work with others, learn to know new people and having interesting talks, seeing what’s coming up and also have free time for your work in a concentrated way…
I know that I got some “new” friends in the jewellery art world and that’s the best part…
To be in a connection. As a jewellery artist or an artist any way, it’s a lot of “lonely” time, doing your own stuff, create by yourself, showing what you have done and what conclusions you have coming up with, in exhibitions… the time between is often a lonely time with your own thoughts, your own time and your own materials and ideas.
And another part of life is to earn money for living, work for the food… so to have this kind of days in a line, hanging together isn’t anything I’m used to these days… I’m working some day and doing my own works with jewelleries between…
Back to work
1 day ago
Kul att se dina bilder och kommentarer. Jag fick familjeförhinder på söndag, synd!
Hej Bibbi!
Ibland så kör det ihop sig, that´s life...
Du får som jag sa innan, gärna plocka bilder och hänvisa, inga problem för mig.
Du får oxå gärna skicka över någon bild på mig och en på Tobias med hund broschen, via mail... vore kul att ha.
Ha det gött!
Själv missar jag vernissagen på Hnoss nu till helgen, får besök av mina föräldrar, och då får man ju passa på att umgås runt annat...
Lycka till med keramiken, ser såååååååå fint ut på bild, vilket då troligast reflekterar verkligheten.
Kramkram Paula
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