Saturday, June 21, 2008

plan B, midsummer 2008.

Plan B, midsummer 2008.

I and my friends Agneta and Mariann celebrate the midsummer in my small kitchen…
First we had the plan to go out, having picnic in the public park; Slottsskogen… But it was too rainy for a picnic, so…

It was a nice evening with good midsummer food, talk and playing games… It was not a full night party, because I have to go up and work at Saturday.


dazzad said...

though indoors seems like an interesting and fun party.
I like the drawing at the beginning of the post. Really funny!!!

paula lindblom said...

It was okay to be inside… I took the plastic grass from the latest exhibition and try to get the feeling of being outdoors…
I’m glad that you like my drawings, I try to symbolise the “small frog song” that is a very silly song about frog and jumping around this maypole...