Saturday, June 21, 2008

I at mar de color rosa…

I at mar de color rosa… I’m glad for these photos at this nice, interesting and once again REALLY good jewellery blog!

This is “old” jewelleries of my, but if you want to see them and other, you can visit my website;

M'agrada d'aquesta joiera la facilitat que té d'experimentar amb els materials. Colors i textures semblen conduir-la cap a les formes que es manifesten amb tota llibertat, les seves peces em transmeten frescor i il.lusió. Malgrat el poc que he pogut intercanviar amb ella i per la informació que he trobat al seu bloc i al seu web intueixo que és una persona molt sensible i inquieta, algun dia m'agradaria conèixer-la.

TRANSLATION by Dario Rumbo:
What I like about this jewellery maker is the ease with which she uses and experiments with materials.
Colours and textures seem to drive us further into new shapes that really manifest/express themselves with total freedom.
Her pieces transmit to me a lot of joy and have a fresh feel to it.
Even though we have only exchange very little info between us and the only stuff I know about her is what comes/appears in her site and blog, she seemsto me a very sensitive and a very alive/lively person. I wish I could meet her in person one day.

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