Monday, September 26, 2011

Mona Wallström...

Info from

24 September, Mona Wallström's exhibition Greetings from Plywood Palace opens at the Kulturens Hus in Luleå. In her installation, she has built up Miss Kristina's boudoir in the art gallery, made fully of plywood. Mona is also a jewellery artist with her studio at Konstepidemin.
The exhibition runs until October 16.

-It’s always interesting to see what’s going on among colleges all around the world and in Sweden…

I have the opportunity to show some of my jewellery art pieces together with these artists...

Bea Szenfeld

Mona Wallström

Petra Mandal


I have the opportunity to show some of my jewellery art pieces together with these artists, a great art Fashion designer that I admire a lot and two jewellery artists who is working with plastic in some of their works, Mona Wallström that I know from before, Petra Mandal is a new link… The Kartell design group has done some furniture’s that I really really like and know would fit my home very very well… I’m a plastic fantastic person…

Bea Szenfeld

Kartell är ett av världens ledande företag inom försäljning av designade möbler. Som världsledande inom användning av plastmaterial producerar Kartell en originell, varierad och bredskalig kollektion som är unik.

I sortimentet finns stolar, bord, bokhyllor, förvaring, sittmöbler m m, för hem, kontor och offentliga miljöer. Tack vare färg, lite ironi, lek med känslor, transparens och unika former, så sätter Kartell sin prägel på sina möbler.

Kartell arbetar med världsledande designers såsom Ron Arad, Anna Castelli Ferrieri, Antonio Citterio, Ferruccio Laviani, Piero Lissoni, Vico Magistretti, Alberto Meda, Paolo Rizzatto, Maarten van Severen, Patricia Urquiola och Philippe Starck. Sedan starten 1949 har de vunnit det prestigefyllda designpriset ”Compasso d’Oro” nio gånger.

from Sara Borgegård...

I am very happy to invite you to the presentation of my new work at Gallerie Marzee.
Exhibition opening next Sunday 2nd of October at 16.00 hrs.

Galerie Marzee
Lage Markt 3
The Netherlands

Best wishes


info from my friend and college Alejandra Solar...

The Escola Massana
September 18 through November 5, 2011

1929 - In the year of the World Exhibition in Barcelona the school first opened its doors. The wealthy confectioner Augustí Massana was its generous donor and founded the academy for design in industry and artisan craftworks. With this he anticipated the future connection of industry and arts and set on design early on.

The Escola Massana: A confectioner's dream.
Presenting Works of: Alejandra Solar, Auba Pont, Dalia Jurado, Gaston Rois, Begoña Prats, Trinidad Contreras, Silvia Walz, Ramon Puig Cuyás

About us
In our gallery we offer a representative overview of the international avant-garde in contemporary art jewellery. Our internationally renowned artists, decorated with numerous awards, can be found in famous art collections and museums worldwide..

Galerie Pilartz
Zeughausstraße 10
D-50667 Cologne

from Kaori Juzu...

Kære alle.

Vi åbner vores nye udstilling på Det Danske Kultur Institut i Edinburgh på torsdag.
Hvis du/I har en chance til at se den smukke by Edinburgh, så er der noget ekstra...

Mange hilsner
Per og Kaori

Monday, September 19, 2011


Finally, around 8 years later I have become a member of Klimt02, better late then never, or?!

autumn exhibition...

The invitation card in the shape of an ice scraper… My first invitation card in this shape, funny and also in the end useful if you live in a cold country… I will send this to my parents; they could need it and use it in the wintertime up in the North of Sweden.

1-24 october 2011

Exhibition in Stenungsund, Gallery Koch the item is plastic in art and design and I’m one of the once that is invited to this exhibition.

Kulturhuset Fregatten
Box 97
444 22 Stenungsund
tel. 0303-73 80 63

Sunday, September 18, 2011

this is a part of a life as jewellery artist… to be or not to be available is the question… or?!

I got the question to make some jewellery for the shop at Falsterbo konsthall, and I did… With a feeling that they could show them and may be not sell it, just to show the conservative people that lives there what’s could be under the jewellery sun…
But with this e-mail, they will return the pieces I sent to them…
It’s not a problem or a big deal for me that they returns, I can absolutely use them in some coming up exhibition, but the things that irritated me is that they haven’t the guts to show jewellery art as a selling idea at the shop, how will people know about this art and craft form IF we been censured by the people that runs the places?

”Våra besökare är med konservativa och vill ha enklare smycken till lägre priser.” /
Our visitors are conservative and will have common jewellery to lower prices.
This is from municipalities that have more or less more money than other municipality in Sweden…

Efter att ha sett dina smycken har vi kommit fram till att de tyvärr inte passar i vår shop. De är välgjorda och annorlunda men vi tycker att de har mer konstnärligt syfte än att säljas som smycken. Våra besökare är med konservativa och vill ha enklare smycken till lägre priser. Vi skickar därför tillbaks dina verk med rekommenderad post.
Vi hoppas verkligen att du fortsätter att skapa efter din idé och tanke.
Hör gärna av dig om du kommer att ställa ut här i närheten.”

jewellery, ceramics and painting… and more jewellery…

The weekends coming up…

Märta Mattsson, Karin Östberg, the opening of Mexico – poetry and politic at the Nordic aquarelle museum, Nordiska akvarell museet and Lisa Björke at gallery Two little birds…

I hope I have the opportunity to see them all, but I think I choose the Mexico art this weekend.
Jewellery, ceramics and painting…

Nästa helg gästas Four av Märta Mattsson. Hennes häpnadsväckande förmåga att balansera på gränsen mellan det vackra och det motbjudande har gjort henne välkänd på den internationella smyckescenen, och vi är stolta att presentera utställningen Rebirth.

Karin, Hanna, Ellen och Malin

24 sep - 18 okt 2011

”Mina arbeten:

Sedan ca 10 år tillbaks har jag arbetat med hål.
Jag skär ut mönster i leran.
Jag söker rytm och självklarhet.
Mellanrummen, leran och glasyren bildar alla olika mönster.
Och har alla lika stort värde och betydelse i mina verk.
Mönster i lager på lager.
Det tar tid och går långsamt.
Jag funderar inte så mycket över innehåll eller mening, jag försjunker i processen att göra och i upptäckterna
av möjligheter som uppstår när jag arbetar.
Jag låter mig svepas iväg.
Jag ser glimtar av variationer, fragment av förändringar och fördjupar mig.
Mina glasyrer:

Jag har experimenterat fram så kallade ”krypglasyrer” i lergodstemperatur för att kunna få fram starka
klara färger. Olika sinsemellan i struktur och färg,
Alla föremål, även de små Plupparna, är alla brända 3 gånger.
Jag tycker att krackeleringarna adderar en mjukhet till de annars så enkla formerna och de kontrollerade
matematiskt skurna mönstren.
På Sintra kommer jag att visa jag mina genombrutna Plattor.
Inverterade hål blir till Bollar och små Pluppar som jag gruppvis arrangerar i olika kompositioner.”
Karin Östberg, juni 2011
Karin Östberg är född 1955 i Kramfors i Ångermanland, men är sedan många år bosatt i Göteborg, där hon
1985-1990 utbildade sig till keramiker på HDK, Högskolan för Design och Konsthantverk. Sedan 1992 arbetar
hon i sin ateljé på Konstepidemin i Göteborg.
Karin har deltagit i ett stort antal utställningar, både inom och utom Sverige och erhållet ett flertal stipendier.

Lisa Björke

Solo exhibition at Two little birds
Gothenburg, opening 24 sep
untill 20 oct.

Märta Mattsson exhibition scheduler this autumn/winter, I got it by e-mail…

Dear all,

I just wanted to give you an update about some exhibitions I will be showing work in during this autumn/winter. This week you can view my work in London at the exhibitions HEMMA and Ung8 which both run during the London design festival. I also have a solo exhibition opening this Saturday at Gallery Four in Gothenburg (see attached invitation).



Solo exhibition
24 September- 15 October
Four, Nordhemsgatan 74, Göteborg, Sweden

17-24 September
Swedish Design goes London at the Residence, Swedish Ambassador’s Residence
27 Portland Place London W1B 1QA

Ung8- Young Swedish Design
22-25 September
Designers block i Clerkenwell, London


A Pieceful Swedish Smörgåsbord
28-30 October
Umeå- more information to come


B-side festival
Märta Mattsson, Lisa Björke, Nina Sajet and Francisca Bauza
3-6 November
Studio K, Timorplein 62, Amsterdam

Curated by Susan Cummins and Mike Holmes, AJF
3-6 November, SOFA Chicago

3 November-24 December
QUIRK GALLERY (showing through Sienna Gallery) 311 W Broad ST. Richmond, USA


Solo exhibition,
Galerie Diane et Eric Lhoste
25 avenue Edouard VII, 64200 Biarritz , France

Best regards.

Jonas Hassen Khemiri play; apatiska för nybörjare...

Yesterday I was at the opening night of Jonas Hassen Khemiri play; apatiska för nybörjare. I can warmly recommend the play.
I like the way Jonas Hassen Khemiri go out for in his text and books, so this was exactly as I had hope it would be when it has been passing his brain and landed on the paper for becoming a play in the end.

APATISKA FÖR NYBÖRJARE Av Jonas Hassen Khemiri efter Gellert Tamas Regi Nina Wester Folkteatern, Göteborg Speltid ca 1.30

Monday, September 5, 2011

some other pieces…

The duck in the can will be sending away to a gallery close by Gothenburg among some other plastic pieces in the end of September… The stick brooch is just a try out that I like and it has a good look when you wear it.

finally... after been indoors and get more or less crazy about all the small beads… here is the result…

Finally I’m finish with the pieces for Falsterbo Konsthall in Skåne…

Now I have to pack them and print out a c/v, price and material list and went to the post office.

And after that I have to cross my fingers that they like it and that the visitors also will be curios and see the colourful pieces with joy.

from chaos to clarity…

This is photos are from today... a mess and chaos, but I like it and it’s a part of my everyday life... I think that I get clarity and orderliness out of it in the end…

coming up…

9 September–9 October
THE RING - jewel forever
Opening Friday 9/9 at 18:00

THE RING - the most common piece of jewellery can be full of meaning, a personal statement sometimes showing itself as a technical miracle or purely decorative and beautiful. It can demand attention, be an invitation to play, be filled with tears and secrets - and is to be worn for one day or for ever.

In homage to the ring Galleri Hnoss has invited all the jewellery artists exhibited in the gallery since the start in 1997 to produce one ring each. The result is now to be seen in the exhibition THE RING - jewel forever. The show consisting of over one hundred rings is a vibrant collection of different expressions, thoughts and forms.

In connection with the exhibition on September 9 we are also arranging a seminar. The theme is the ring seen from different perspectives. We are very proud to announce the speakers: Anna Schetelich from Galerie Oona, Germany, Professor Otto Kunzli, Germany, and Manuel Vilhena, jewellery artist from Portugal. Moderator is Love Jönsson, crafts critic and guest lecturer at HDK, University of Gothenburg. The seminar is a collaboration between Galleri Hnoss and the Department of Jewellery Art at HDK, with support from Gothenburg Crafts Association, Estrid Ericsson's Foundation, Wilhelm and Martina Lundgren Fund, and the family Wikanders Foundation.

With the exhibition The ring- jewel forever Galleri Hnoss will also manifest that our activities will change from now on. After this event we will leave our physical gallery and work in other ways in the future.

Ingierd Hanevold, Norway, Lena Bergestad–Jonsson, Sweden, Per Suntum, Denmark, Kim Buck, Denmark, Christer G. Jonsson, Sweden, Peter De Wit, Sweden, Otto Künzli, Germany, Andreas Treykorn, Germany, Verena Siber- Fuchs, Swizerland, Margareth Sandström, Sweden, Karin Johansson, Sweden, Sigurd Bronger, Norway, Esther Knobel, Israel, Tore Svensson, Sweden, Anette Kraen, Denmark, Beppe Kessler, Netherlands, Mona Wallström, Sweden, Ari Turunen, Finland, Synnøve Korssjøen, Norway, Konrad Mehus, Norway, Onno Boekhoudt, Netherlands, Ulrika Swärd, Sweden, Rian de Jong, Netherlands, Christoph Zellweger, Switzerland, Helena Lehtinen, Finland, Helena Sandström, Sweden, Jamie Bennett, USA, Lotta Åström, Sweden, Karen Ihle/ Jens Eliasen, Denmark, Johanna Dahm, Switzerland, Petra Schou, Sweden, Adam Paxon, Scotland, Bruce Metcalf, USA, Eva Dora Lamm, Denmark, Ruudt Peters, Netherlands, Barbara Paganin, Italy, Kasia Gasparski, Denmark, Annelies Planteydt, Netherlands, Kadri Mälk, Estonia, Lena Olson, Sweden, Tarja Tuppanen, Finland, Manuel Vilhena, Portugal, Castello Hansen, Denmark/Sweden, Gijs Bakker, Netherlands, Cecilia Johansson, Sweden, Gunilla Grahn, Sweden, Vera Siemund, Germany, Karl Fritsch, Germany, Nel Linssen, Netherlands, Margaret West, Australia, Lars Sture, Norway, Kerstin Ringedal, Sweden, Fabrice Schaefer, Switzerland, Lucy Sarneel, Netherlands, Elise-Ann Hochlin, Norway, Georg Dobler, Germany, Katja Prins, Netherlands, Ramon Puig Cuyás, Spain, Xavier Monclús, Spain, Mah Rana, England, Peter Bauhuis, Germany, Silke Trekel, Germany, Terhi Tolvanen, Finland/Netherlands, Svenja John, Germany, Jivan Astflack England, Anna Unsgaard, Sweden, Charlotte Sinding, Sweden, Sonia Morel, Switzerland, Pia Aleborg, Sweden, Marc Monzó, Spain, Andi Gut, Switzerland, Anna Martinsson, Sweden, Ulrich Reithofer, Austria/Netherlands, Peter Hoogeboom, Netherlands, Mari Ishikawa, Japan/Germany, Annika Åkerfelt, Sweden, Karin Seufert, Germany, Peter Scubic, Austria, Lina Petersson, Sweden/England, Sara Borgegård, Sweden, Erik Kuiper, Netherlands, Ineke Heerkens, Netherlands, Bettina Speckner, Germany, Sebastian Buescher, England/Tyskland, Warwick Freeman, New Zealand, Iris Neuwenburg Netherlands, Jiro Kamata, Germany/Japan, Anne-Marie Bernhardt, Sweden, Hanna Hedman, Sweden, Lin Cheung England, Bas Bouman Netherlands, Birgit Laken Netherlands, Norman Weber, Germany, Gemma Draper, Spain, Kristi Paap, Estonia, Alexander Blank, Germany, Klara Brynge, Sweden, Mia Maljojoki, Finland/Germany, Jenny Klemming, Sweden, Jantje Fleischhut, Netherlands, Mikiko Minewaki, Japan, Carolina Claesson, Sweden, Linda Marie Karlsson, Sweden, Maria Ylnder, Sweden, Åsa Christensson, Sweden.

hnoss started in 1997. It's internationally oriented exhibition programme shows the wide range of expressions that are found in contemporary jewellery.

hnoss is located at Konstepidemin – an area full of studios, galleries and other cultural activities in Göteborg.


The day starts with a seminary…

In association with the opening of the exhibition The Ring – jewel forever at Gallery Hnoss Friday 9th of September 2011, we would like to welcome you to a seminar. The theme for this occasion is the ring, seen from different perspectives.

We are proud to present the lecturers: Anna Schetelich from Galerie OONA, Germany, Professor Otto Künzli, Germany and Manuel Vilhena, Jewellery Artist, Portugal. Moderator for the Seminar is Love Jönsson, craft and design critic, and guest lecturer at School of Design and Crafts, University of Gothenburg

With the exhibition and seminar The Ring – jewel forever Gallery Hnoss want to manifest that our activities will change from now on. After this grand gathering we will leave our former gallery space and work in other ways in the future.

Friday 9th of September 2011
Location: Cinema Bio Capitol, Skanstorget 1, Gothenburg.

09.30 Registration
10.00 Introduction by Love Jönsson
10.30 Anna Schetelich
12.00 Lunch
13.30 Manuel Vilhena
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Otto Künzli
17.00 Summary by Love Jönsson

18.00 Opening at Galleri Hnoss, Konstepidemin and party/mingle at Blå Huset, Konstepidemin, Konstepidemins väg, Gothenburg.

The seminar is a collaboration with HDK - Jewellery Art Department University of Gothenburg and Gallery Hnoss with the support of Göteborgs Slöjdförening, Estrid Ericsons stiftelse, Wilhelm och Martina Lundgrens fond and Familjen Wikanders Stiftelse.

Seminar language is English.

Seminar fee is 100 SEK. Lunch is not included.

Advance booking required. Submit your binding registration by sending an e-mail with your full contact details to at the latest Friday August 26.
The fee is collected upon arrival, in cash only.
For any questions please contact Karin Johansson:
or Lena Olson:

The Cinema Bio Capitol is situated at Skanstorget 1. Hagakyrkan (tram 1,6,9,11) or Brunnsgatan (tram 2,13) are the nearest stops.

Konstepidemin is situated at Konstepidemins väg. Linnéplatsen (tram 1,2,6) or Seminariegatan (tram 2) are the nearest stops