Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tim Burton - "The Melancholy Death of Oysterboy"...

Tim Burton
The Melancholy Death of Oysterboy.

Some day I feel like this oysterboy, now when I’m working 100% I could look like this a Tuesday afternoon or evening. It’s inspirited to work among pupils, but also sometimes very frustrated, when they don’t understand me or may be trust me…

Today it was a clear oysterboy day! Soooooooooooooo tired.

Tomorrow I will show them my work by a power point presentation, and I have no idea what they gone think about it, I think it’s good for the beginners to see as much as possible and then they can do what they want… some may be searching to some goldsmith school, some one may be think that jewellery art is interesting and may be some one quit after these three years…
I really, really like this image by Tim Burton, I think it tells my feeling some days…

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