Thursday, December 20, 2012

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

To all my visitors,
I wish you all the best and that you have time to stop by here even next year!
With love and thoughts, Paula 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

thank you dear Marta!


Today I got this by mail, very very nice to open the door and find this brooch at the anteroom.

I have been impressed by my friend and college Marta’s way of doing jeweler and I still is I think this was a new lovely and interesting pieces and I´m very glad and pleased over her gift.

I will absolutely use the brooch tomorrow.



Monday, December 17, 2012

a Christmas gift to myself…

Özay Emert

I like Özays finger print earrings very very much and now I got two pair of them. I use them daily and they fit me very very well I think.

down town...


Today it was my day off, I have a lot of things to arrange before Christmas time, such as Christmas gift to family and close friends, ops, it´s not my favorite chore I can tell… it was a rainy day and my motivation was in a very low level, but now I think all the Christmas gifts are obtain.
I meet a nice ragdoll whatsoever.

fortsättning på en tankebana… finns ingen logik bara en undran, en nyfikenhet…

Kanske ett bevis på att kvinnor än en gång ska inspirera men inte själv agera?! Nu är detta en väldigt gammal idé som växte sig stark i Grekland bland de gamla grekerna, men som ändå lever kvar lite här och där… man kan kanske vara glad över att museum verkar ha en feminin bakgrund om man ska tro att just museum kommer ifrån ordet muserna.

Enligt wikepedia…

I grekisk mytologi och romersk mytologi var muserna (på grekiska: Μουσαι, Mousai) ursprungligen poesins gudinnor. Men blev sedan de gudinnor som inspirerade även andra konstnärer, filosofer och intellektuella. De omnämns som gudinnor redan i de tidigaste källorna och tvekade inte att döda personer som försökte sätta sig upp emot dem (Thamyris dödas av muserna i Iliaden på grund av att han försökt överträffa dem i sång). Den romerska motsvarigheten till muserna kallades Camenae.

Hos Homeros omtalas muserna som ibland en, ibland flera, sånggudinnor som döttrar till Zeus men dessa nämns aldrig vid namn. På Lesbos sades muserna vara sju och i Delfi tre. Det är först Hesiodos som omnämner muserna som de nio döttrarna till minnets gudinna, titanen Mnemosyne och guden Zeus.

Vid sidan av dessa nio gudinnor omnämns dessutom tre döttrar till Uranos och Gaia, som alltså skulle vara äldre än muserna ovan, övningens gudinna Melete, minnets gudinna Mneme och sångens gudinna Aoide.

De nio första är emellertid de som brukar gestaltas i konsten med de attribut som de fick under hellenistisk tid (se tabell). Eftersom muserna ofta uppträdde i grupp tillsammans med Apollon kallades han också för Musagetes, musernas ledare, och uppträdde i fotsid dräkt med

Musernas kult var koncentrerad till bergen Olympos, Helikon, Parnassos, Leibethrion och Pindaros i landskapen Pierien och Beotien. Kulten förknippades särskilt med källorna Aganippe, Hippokrene och Kastalia och antas därför ursprungligen ha varit källnymfer som uppsöktes för inspiration. De fungerade också som skyddsväsen för de grekiska filosofiskolorna och hade ofta egna helgedomar där.

Muserna lever kvar i de moderna språken i ord som musik och museum.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Smycket Lindblom reports…

Albert Amelin
Clas Hake
Nils Carlsson Milionen
 Solveig Stampe,  Moder Jord


Nils Carlsson Milionen
Ivan Jerdel

This week I had the opportunity to be invited to an art club here in Gothenburg and visit the SKF union school hall or workshops club, this union club has a huge art collection of Albert Amelin and other artists. I have always liked Albert Amelin but I have never seen so many of his paintings at the same time and I really really like what I was seeing. It was great to get close and see his impasto painting, it was really thick layer I can tell and you have to back to see the images in full scale, if you look close you only see paint a lot of thick paint. The room and the area was also very very unique and interesting it was a touched of the 70s.

The artist that I didn´t exist (off course I don´t know all the artist and I´m terrible bad at names of artist too, I´m not a namedropping person at all) was Solveig Stampe, Solveig Stampe is represented at this place with a painting with the name; Moder Jord/ Earth Mother, I really really like it a lot, I always fall for the things that has something dark, a strong message willingly with a twist.

Manfred Leuschner guide us around in the hall and talk about the artist and the art and why it has land up at SKF, this is art for the industrial worker.

Manfred and I spook before the tour started and we had a companion in common, my friend Lasse was a college of Manfred, and the world is small sometimes.

When Manfred had the speech of SKF and the history about the company SKF and what they have been doing and the how the art had landed there he mention that “smycket” and he had a common companion, he didn´t remember my name but he remember that I was working with jeweler/smycken, so under that evening on the guided tour my name was, smycket. I think it is a great name and if I someday will have an artist name it will be Smycket Lindblom.

Nils Carlsson Milionen another great artist that was represented at this place, he had done a comment on Franco, a very strong paining I think and as the painting by Solveig Stampe it touched me.

Two less good things with this art collection is (I think) that it´s not a catalogue over the entire artist and their art, I asked about it, but I´m not sure that I get an answer to it. The last thought about it that it has been great if all the great art had been market with the artist name, because when you see something “new” you want to know who has done it, I asked about it and they had a policy that “ you don´t mark you paintings/art at home” this is the same, this art will just be here for pleasure… I don´t agree with that argument, first, at home you know the artist and you can be able to answer if someone ask you about your art, this is a cultural treasure and it is important that we remember the story and the year they was made. Even if it not a public hall, the industrial workers can be interesting and it could be great to a have a catalogue to look at and show others a catalogue to be proud by.

An absolutely great evening with a lot of interesting information about SKF and the painting and other art they have there in the union hall.

Here you can see reportage from SKF verkstadsklubbs collection.

Lilla Brattön is connected to SKF


pastos, konstterm använd om tjock färgmassa och framför allt om målningssätt (impasto) där färgmassans 'kropp' betonas i motsats till en slät eller anonym färgyta