Saturday evening I went with some friends to a show in a riding stables at the Hising island here in Gothenburg.
It was a great evening in good company, with lovely songs and good acoustic and a story to get nailed by and also hard to understand what people can make out of their dreams, the faith and hard work.
The story was telling by a very charismatic woman Eva Löfman who runs the company Simsalabim, and the story was about a women Lynx Jakobsson who are a trapeze artist these days, but the way has been hard, and for me very very strange to believe… An unbelievable story that could be true or not, that’s not the point if you (I) believe it or not, the idea of it are amazing and can get everyone something to think about and also hope the get a “better” life if you listing to your dreams and makes them come true, more or less at least.
The only thing that I will add to this fantastic story is that with no money or support from family and friends it can be hard to reach this result in the end, but that is another story that runs parallel with this telling…
The songs from all kind of corners of our world were also amazing and the women that perform and sing was great.
It was not aloud to take photos under the performance… I have a lot of lovely images with me in my head and heart and some photos from before and after the show.
On our way home we saw a roundabout dog or horse and some signs that the light made… even if I can’t read what it says I think it looks like letters anyway…
Låt mig berätta en märklig historia, en sann historia.
Lynx Jakobsson bryter ryggen i en hästolycka. Läkarnas ord på sjukhuset
är tydliga:
-"Lynx, det finns ingenting vi kan göra för dig. Ingenting." Så ingen
rehabilitering, ingen sjukgymnastik sätts in.
Lynx tränar själv. Med starka drömmar, visioner och hårt arbete reser hon
sig upp!
Hon arbetar med hästar igen, och efter år av träning utbildar hon sig till
luftakrobat på Statliga Cirkushögskolan i Moskva.
Är det möjligt?
Möt henne i föreställningen "HISTORIEN OM LYNX". Ett levnadsöde, en häst,
luftakrobatik, sånger från jordens alla hörn.
Endast en offentlig föreställning. Lynx bor numera i Frankrike.
Lördagen den 29 okt kl 19.30