Monday, June 20, 2016

fortfarande viss reflektion i form av mina "ångest"gubbar...

Jag fortsätter min allmängiltiga reflektion med att göra enkla bilder av situationer som jag kommer i kontakt med, reflekterar över, berör och upprör mig...

Jag är nu uppe i över 250 "ångest"gubbsbilder... Vilket en vacker dag kanske resulterar i en bok om allmängiltig vardagsångest.

to try... to find... to do...



onion ring...

It was a long time since I produced some jewelry, for various reasons ... but now I've got lust again and hope I get the time to create.

This may look like small children step, but I have filled with experiences, time-rest and a lot of sketching...


Finally the season has started and I have cycled out to the coast to be in my paradise, a breathing hole worth protecting.

gull drama...

We had a small gull drama on my inner yard for one weekend ago. Getting a young gull down on the ground down make a drama,  but it unites neighbors and we all have to respect and keep an eye on the little was, unfortunately, something happened during the night and the morning after this little wool ball fallen down, so it was very quiet and it was gone. A mystery. None of the yard know where it had gone, or who have taken it...

from my kitchen window...

some images from Rammakeriet and the summer show...

 Elisabet Erikssons pieces, I like them very much, such a time work...

Detail from one of her two designs that are represented in the exhibition.