Monday, September 9, 2013

my pecha kucha speech... also a prepering for the workshop...

1.     I was born 1966 in Sundsvall Sweden…

2.     Sweden has a great and beautiful nature and some of the slogans in Sweden in are; Sweden is fantasic. I agree! I travel round trips twice a year at least in Sweden… and I get fascinated every single  time. It’s a deep green landscape with all the forest but it´s also a farm country with a lot of ocher fields. In somehow the Swede like troll, as the same as in the other Nordic Countries. You can find them in different sizes and shapes… I don´t know why and I´m not very fond of them at all, we had a lot of other great thing we could have as symbols I think.

3.     Alnö the island I grow up at, and island in the middle of Sweden at the east coast. It´s about 5000 citizen, 15 km long and 6 km wide. It´s a Vulcan island so the minerals are unique at this island.

4.     The Medelpad  landscape flower is fir, I have always seems that a little bit strange, but if you have seen a fir flower you know that they are red and beautiful in a way flower can be…

5.     The skvader is a Swedish fictional creature that was constructed in 1918 by the taxidermist Rudolf Granberg and is permanently displayed at the museum at Norra Berget in Sundsvall. It has the forequarters and hindlegs of a European hare (Lepus europaeus), and the back, wings and tail of a femalewood grouse (Tetrao urogallus). It was later jokingly given the Latin name Tetrao lepus pseudo-hybridus rarissimus L.

6.     When I grow up on the 1970s Pippi Longstocking was a favorite on the two channel television. I loved her and still do, the way she look at the world and act in it appeals to me, what you find you got. I love to be a find keeper. My dad describe me this summer, as walking a dog, every time we take a walk I find something on the side of the road, from a blossom to a dead mice…

7.     Beppe Wolgers is another childhood idol, an adult man having dolls as his friend. It gave me hope of a great life as adult myself.

8.      Anita and Televinken is another couple that I really really like as a child, an adult women discussion with a small wood doll, a marionette. This kind of childhood program made me to the one I am today, among other great program for children at this time.

9.     1987 I moved to Gothenburg, my hometown had become too small for me and I needed new air under my wings. I also had an idea of be closer to the whole world from Gothenburg, easier to get away from Gothenburg as a big city close to Oslo, Copenhagen and London… I´m still are in Gothenburg but have been living in other places for some months to a year.

10.  Monstera deliciosa with aerial roots, I can feel belonging to this plant, just because of the aerial roots. Because I don´t think I need the childhood soil to grow in… But maybe as older I get maybe it will be more important to seek for my roots?! Maybe I one day will return to the east coast?! I have very hard to see it coming, but you never should say never…

11.  I have always been interesting in jewellery even if I´m from a working class family, no art at all… I have always been supported by my family in my ideas and what I have want to do, so may be that could be a reason why I become an artist?! I educate to recreation leader for 2 years 1987-1989, and started to work at youth clubs… my daily bread and butter work these days is to work as a color and shape instructor for adults with intellectual disability… a work that I like. It´s gives me money so I don´t need to compromise with my art and it gives me love and new ideas hanging around with people that create from their heart and belly’s more than I do… In somehow I think I could be a little bite “over” educated in my own work with art, I analyze too much.

12.  My first contact with jewellery was looking at my grandmothers jewellery, both my mother and fathers side …

13.  My first real silver rings that I thought was amazing I got when I was around 15 years old… Two silver rings with stones that I thought were fabulous and “big” at the time… We had not so much money, but I got this two at separate times. At that time I thought that jewellery was silver and gold things. I thought that for a very long time I can tell, when I was at my first silver smith education 30 years old (1995-96) I thought that silver should shine.

14.  My first “design” jewellery I got from my mother, first a Kalevala, Finland ring and later a brooch from a silversmith working in Stockholm.

15.  I started early to do my own jewellery, I just like the small format and that you can wear it and show others different statements without using words. I use materials from my surroundings and as I can see in the rear-view mirror I always been fascinated and use what I found. My motto since many years back in time is; curios about life. And I try to apply it into my art.

16.  Even my enter jewellery when I applied to HDK in Gothenburg 1998 – 2003 was made out of recycling material mixed with titan. I used Bic pencils for a necklace...

17.  My biggest supporters under the years have and still are my parents, Dan and Lena. Even if they not always understand what I have been doing, they have understood that I feel great and glad for the way I have choose to live and work.

18.  These days I don’t use silver and other noble materials, I like to use material from my everyday life, heighten materials and use it in other contexts.

19.  Flea market or as it called in Sweden Loppisar is a great source of inspiration and find keeping of material that other don´t want to have any more… I see my jewellery more and more as political comments to the consumer society we live in… I want to do happy art, which made the viewer happy and interesting, that they first see a jewellery piece and at a closer look a object they recognize from somewhere else.

20.  A cup of coffee with friends is not wrong, to get new energy, new ideas… to be comfortable sometimes with others… I think and like that be an artist is a very lonely occupation, you need to take responsibility and trust your instincts and ideas and see them grow and then you need to let them lose… you need to work it out so you know that the jewellery/objects will ready to see the light and meet viewer alone, you can´t always be there and explain why you did as you did.

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