I’m born in the North of Sweden, in Sundsvall 1966.
I moved to Gothenburg 1986 and have since then live and work here.
Have you ever asked yourself why the letters of a typewriter’s keyboard are placed in the order they are?
- No, I have never asked myself that question.
- We can call this keyboard QWERTY, the first keys of the upper row are placed like that.
The first typewriter was invented by Christopher Scholes in 1873, in order to improve the calligraphy. However, soon a problem arose, when the type bars jammed against each other and made it impossible to write. To solve this, Christopher Scholes designed the keyboard QWERTY, a keyboard which should force the user to write more slowly to keep the type arms from jamming. Typewriter keyboards, that in time became computer keyboards, were from the beginning designed for slower writing and not faster.
From Paulo Coelho’s “Veronika decide morrer”.
Translated by Christina Hallberg.
I have always been fascinated by “recycling” or reusage, to make new use of everyday things.
To transform, to put in a different context.
As Pippi Longstocking says: Finders keepers.
That is how I relate to reuse and jewellery.
What I find both at home, in nature - in the form of waste or other natural materials - and at flea markets, forms the base for my attitude to resident shapes and expressions.
I want the original material and its shape to be visible, first to appear as a piece of jewellery, but by a closer look to come out as things of everyday life …
I have visited Cape Town, South Africa,2005, to study reutilisation and recycling.
During my travels I had the opportunity to see incredible trinkets and art pieces including small glass beads, and upon my return my jewellery features such glass beads. Contrast and addition in communicating shape.
My jewellery is inspired from different regions of Africa, mixed with my own daily surroundings as a Swedish born person.
Unisex is one aim with my jewellery.
My jewellery has also in time, get more political, not in the expression or in colour and shapes, but as a comment of our waste of garbage, in our society of today, I don’t think that I need to create jewellery who can last forever, I’m very satisfied that they last my lifetime and may be some more years, but to be immortal is not something I dig for.
My motto is: Curious about life.
I’m a member of KHVC
Konsthantverkscentrum, KHVC, was initially set up by the Swedish Association of Craftsmen and Industrial Designers (KIF) in 1992 as a response to the growing interest in crafts.
The aim is to promote Swedish contemporary craft. Today around 800 professional craft artists are members, which makes KHVC the largest crafts organisation in Sweden.
All members have a degree, bachelor or master, from a university program, or have passed a jury selection, all in order to keep a high professional profile.
KHVC promotes craftspeople and their work, inform and advice galleries, architects, public art bodies etc. for commissions and other projects.
KHVC informs makers about business and learning opportunities.
KHVC arranges workshops, seminars and other events for the craft artists and the field of craft.
KHVC is funded mainly by the Ministry of Culture.
KHVC runs offices in Stockholm, Göteborg, Örebro and projects in the Skåne region.
KHVC often cooperates with other organisations and institutions.
Stiftelsen Konsthantverkscentrum (KHVC) är Sveriges största organisation för professionella konsthantverkare. 2010 är antalet medlemmar c:a 800. Vi producerar utställningar och deltar i mässor, arrangerar symposier, kurser och seminarier, ger råd och idéer samt förmedlar kontakter, allt i syfte att sprida information och kunskap om det svenska konsthantverket.
Stiftelsen bildades i november 1990 av Föreningen Sveriges Konsthantverkare och Industriformgivare (KIF) för att möta det växande intresset för konsthantverk. Idag är runt 800 professionella konsthantverkare från hela landet anslutna till KHVC.
Medlemskap i någon av yrkesorganisationerna KIF, KRO, SD, SA/SIR eller examen från Konstfack, HDK, Stenebyskolan, Textilhögskolan, Beckmans designhögskola, Malmstens skola eller Designhögskolan i Umeå ger rätt till omedelbar anslutning. I annat fall sker ansökan via en jury.
Konsthantverkscentrum har representanter i Stockholm, Göteborg, Örebro och Malmö. Deras uppgift är att ge råd, informera och förmedla kontakter.
Verksamheten finansieras via ett årligt bidrag från Statens kulturråd.