Nick, Benjamin and Lina...
ALL the lovely flower that I got…
The staff at gallery Sintra has been amazing, kindly, helpful and just wonderful.
THANK YOU Kerstin Sarvimäki who help me to build and arrange the exhibition, without your help, I don’t know were I landed.
Stina Widén Samuelsson who is a very very nice and warmly person who also help me with a lot of wise suggestion, it has been a pleasure to have you both around, and without you I can tell that the result wouldn’t end up as it did.
Özay Emert and Johan Svanbom among other has also support me in this project of building the exhibition at gallery Sintra and I’m grateful and happy for your kindness and helpfulness.
It has been three turbulence day but with order in the chaos too, it has been three great days and the grand final, the opening of the exhibition was great even if the rain was falling, some of my friends and familiarize and neighbours had the time to stopped by and some send me text message that they was thinking of me and will stop by some other day, some people that I don’t know stopped by and seems happy over my jewellery and this Saturday it was small sunbeams laying in blue and green boxes… my colourful jewellery was lighting up the grey every day life weather.
I’m absolutely satisfied with the opening day and in my mind I was happy and in my body I had an awful back pain.
Stina Widén Samuelsson and Elin Tollbom helped me under the opening day and that was really really great, to have someone else taking care of the candy, the refreshing and all the lovely flowers that I got from friends.
To all of you, family, friends, familiarize and colleges and bloggers THANK YOU for your support! It’s a lonely world to been an artist and when you work and finally show your things it’s good to have all the good forces around you…
Even if I’m sure of my work, it can be a little bite skinless in the end… and with friendly force around me I get covered.
I hope you take your time and stop by at gallery Sintra and have a look under these weeks my exhibition will be showed there.
A big Thanks once again to my photographer Sebastian Pommer and my model Lina Fors, you made it clearer that it’s wearable jewellery I made even if it has a touch of sculptural when it’s not on body. It has been an interesting and good collaboration, it was and is the first time I let someone else taking my photos, but it was an experiment that went well.
My blog friend Karin Jonsson showed up, a very very great and nice surprise, nice to finally meet in the real world ( even if we had say hello to each other some years ago).
The staff at gallery Sintra has been amazing, kindly, helpful and just wonderful.
THANK YOU Kerstin Sarvimäki who help me to build and arrange the exhibition, without your help, I don’t know were I landed.
Stina Widén Samuelsson who is a very very nice and warmly person who also help me with a lot of wise suggestion, it has been a pleasure to have you both around, and without you I can tell that the result wouldn’t end up as it did.
Özay Emert and Johan Svanbom among other has also support me in this project of building the exhibition at gallery Sintra and I’m grateful and happy for your kindness and helpfulness.
It has been three turbulence day but with order in the chaos too, it has been three great days and the grand final, the opening of the exhibition was great even if the rain was falling, some of my friends and familiarize and neighbours had the time to stopped by and some send me text message that they was thinking of me and will stop by some other day, some people that I don’t know stopped by and seems happy over my jewellery and this Saturday it was small sunbeams laying in blue and green boxes… my colourful jewellery was lighting up the grey every day life weather.
I’m absolutely satisfied with the opening day and in my mind I was happy and in my body I had an awful back pain.
Stina Widén Samuelsson and Elin Tollbom helped me under the opening day and that was really really great, to have someone else taking care of the candy, the refreshing and all the lovely flowers that I got from friends.
To all of you, family, friends, familiarize and colleges and bloggers THANK YOU for your support! It’s a lonely world to been an artist and when you work and finally show your things it’s good to have all the good forces around you…
Even if I’m sure of my work, it can be a little bite skinless in the end… and with friendly force around me I get covered.
I hope you take your time and stop by at gallery Sintra and have a look under these weeks my exhibition will be showed there.
A big Thanks once again to my photographer Sebastian Pommer and my model Lina Fors, you made it clearer that it’s wearable jewellery I made even if it has a touch of sculptural when it’s not on body. It has been an interesting and good collaboration, it was and is the first time I let someone else taking my photos, but it was an experiment that went well.
My blog friend Karin Jonsson showed up, a very very great and nice surprise, nice to finally meet in the real world ( even if we had say hello to each other some years ago).
Looks great Paula, congratulations!
Thank you dear Montserrat!
Thank you too fo rpost it at your blog! I´m grateful and proud.
Take care and keep in touch!
Kramkram Paula.
Paula, hade missat att du skulle ställa ut! Ja, nu missade jag vernissaget, utställningen fortsätter ju ett tag till. Ska verkligen se till att ta mej dit.
Hej Camilla.
Ingen fara på färden.
Visst hade det varit roligt med "allaalla" på en vernissage, men det var en knasig helg eftersom många var bortresta pga typ sportlov samt att vädret inte var helt härligt att gå ut i.
Jag hoppas att du har lust och tid att kolla nån annan dag.
Jag känner mig nöjd med utställningen och jag är väldigt nöjd med de som dök upp på min vernissagedag.
Ha det gött!
Ja det var verkligen trevligt att ses och så fin utställning!
All lycka och så tar vi den där ölen i vår. Nu regnar det ju bara : )
Hey Paula, Congratulations on your exhibition! Looks amazing.
Jo x
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