Saturday, June 18, 2011

Konstepideminsdag Saturday 28th of May…

I and my friend Anita had the idea of going to Hammarkullen and the yearly carnival up there, but the rain was poring down so we end up at Konstepidemin, a great choice after Hammarkullen.

We walk around and looking at all the great events and art, we meet two of the Danish artist in the group QWERTY.

It’s always a great atmosphere at Konstepidemin, lovely people even in rainy weather.

We ending the great day with a delicious dinner at Gyllene Prag.

I add the poster from Hammarkullen just to show the poster and that a lot of things happen all around Gothenburg at the same time… and sometimes it’s impossible to be at two places at the same time...

QWERTY and Maria Friberg...

QWERTY is an association consisting of 10 artists from Denmark. QWERTY is based on the Danish tradition of artists associations. QWERTY is not fixed on any artistic position. QWERTY is a community of practice, where the idea is to put forward new examples of methods and practice in the visual arts. This happens by co-operation across the borders of art and artistic disciplines. Our mission, amongst others, is to challenge each other in our practice, and to create paths to new art forms and exhibition projects. The projects vary greatly in their formal look, as well as in their relationship to the conditions of the exhibition space.

S.O.T Konstvideofestival presenterar
Blown out – ett kort och dramatiskt videoverk av Maria Friberg

Verket Blown out är producerat I San Francisco 1999. Det var också där som Maria fick idén till detta verk när hon såg det märkliga skum som havet piskar upp på stränderna. I en dramatisk situation som inte går att kontrollera, ses en man kastas runt i ett vitt fradgande hav. Njuter han av böljorna eller håller han på att drunkna?

Maria Friberg, född 1966, har bott mycket i USA men har sin bas i Stockholm.

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