Monday, May 23, 2011


Alingsås was an idyllic place and it was great to spend a day there.

In Gothenburg the GöteborgsVarvet, the 32nd GöteborgsVarvet Half Marathon
was in full speed and a manifestation about a mosque at the Hising island was at the same time. The manifest was something that I would have participant in if I haven’t had the exhibition in Alingsås.
I think it’s very important to show the society that we don’t want to have evil forces on our streets and say no to fascist on our streets, evil forces that think that a mosque is a threat to “our” society, I believe that multiplicity benefit us all and then a mosque is a element as anything else in our society, we have space for all kind of religious prosecution without felt that we loose the “Swedishness”…
What is Swedishness anyhow and is it important?! I’m not so sure, I think that we live in a more or less global world and that internet shows us different way of connecting and living all around the world.

In the bottom you can see some Santa’s on a bridge, we run into a bachelor party, you could buy eggs and then throw them on the man in the boat…


Joanne Haywood said...

Did you keep the red spoon in the ice cream?

JO x

paula lindblom said...

Hi dear Joanne!

I was thinking about to save the red spoon, but in the last minute I throw it away.
Funny that you thought the same thought that I had, should I keep it or should I not…

Congratulation to your exhibition and THANK you for post about ours!

With love and thoughts, kramkram Paula.