This is my photos from 2008.This event I look forward to experience…
Sculpture in Pilane is a wonderful area placed in the nature; you walk by your own up and down the hills finding interesting sculpture placed in the nature, you walking among sheep’s and other visitors… a lovely experience if the weather is with you.
2008 I visit Pilane the last time, or the only time so far…
http://paula-lindblom.blogspot.com/2008/09/pilane-sculpture-park-at-tjrn.htmlThis year 2010 Nils Ramhöj an artist from Gothenburg is one of the artists who show his work there, Nils Ramhöj is one of the artists at Konstepidemin in Gothenburg.
http://www.nilsramhoj.se/http://www.konstepidemin.se/http://www.konstepidemin.se/Summertime and Sculpture at Pilane 2010 is at hand!
http://www.pilane.com/index_eng.phpPilane attracted almost 200 000 visitors during 2007-2009!
Jitish Kallat, the international acclaimed Indian artist is right now at his studio in Mumbai completing a sculpture exclusively for Pilane called when will you... The sculpture is 30 metres long and will arrive by sea at Pilane hopefully in time for the opening.
The Icelandic artist Steinunn Thorarinsdottir's artwork embodies human figures in iron and aluminum that gather around the ancient stone circles of Pilane. The British artist Laura Ford brings a series of charming heartbroken and sullen girls in bronze, called Weeping Girls.
The prominent world artist Tony Cragg from UK has greatly contributed to making Pilane into an art event of high International standards and this year he is back in Pilane with astounding new sculptures. Also joining with an installation of golden stumps is the Swedish artist Nils Ramhøj from Gothenburg known for his brilliant Pictures of a father. Ursula Von Ryding from USA, the Swedish artists Leo Pettersson and Jonas Holmquist partake for the second year in a row.
In Swedish to find your way to Pilane…
VägbeskrivningKör till Stenungsund och håll mot Tjörn. Efter Tjörnbron, tag vänster vid trafikljusen och följ väg 169 i riktning mot Skärhamn.
I höjd med avfart till Wallhamn, håll höger mot Kyrkesund. Passera Kållekärr och håll till höger i nästa rondell, mot Kyrkesund.
Följ vägen mot Kyrkesund och ta av till vänster vid skylt Pilane och Gravfält.
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Studenter/ pensionärer 55 kr
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Säsongskort 150 kr Studenter/ pensionärer 120 kr