Yesterday it raining cats and dogs and you got the feeling of the autumn is on it way, in over the country.
Even if it’s possible to get some sunny clear, beautiful and nice autumn days, it’s a little bite sad I think that the summer is over in Sweden for this time…
It’s a short season with sunshine, heat and bath in this country.
The pics are taking form my apartment window around 18.00 yesterday, this is my view…
Dear Paula: I´m sorry for you, because summer is over in Sweden, and I am very happy because I see that spring is coming here. Days are already longer, and sun shines for ever. Love and thoughts. Fernando.
Hi Fernando.
In one way it’s a sad feeling that the summer is over for this time, I love the summer times, I really do… BUT it’s also good that the seasons shift, so when the summer comes again you have longing for it a long time and can enjoy it more… The autumn and winter time is also good for indoors working, to be creative and so on without longing to be out in the sun…
I think that I have to look positive at this, the shifts of seasons, here in Sweden we have four seasons but they started to go more and more into each other, warmer winters, colder summers and so on…
Now I hope for a beautiful, colourful autumn, the autumns in Sweden can be so beautiful, it’s a lot of nice colours in the nature and if the sun is up, it’s fantastic, with sun and cold clear air.
And IF it’s rain and windy, I have a lot of things to do indoors this autumn… so…
Take care and enjoy spring on your side of the world!
With love and thoughts, Paula.
I agree with you, my dear friend. I hope you'll enyoy fall's beauty'
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