Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday, a very grey day...

The photos isn’t in some order, it’s just a misch masch adding…

Even the dove freezing…

A sightseeing bus in Majorna… Not an ordinary view in Gothenburg, more like a London tour…

A miserable café, among the second long street, I have never been at this café and I will never visit it either.
A pool of water...

A lamp at Iron square…

Greece is far away from here…

Doors at second Long Street…

Mirror, mirror on the wall/ in the window…
It can’t be me…

An awful shop whit UGLY things!

Coffee and tea at Lé Petit, a café in Haga.
Small talk with a friend…

A hard wekend?!

Me meeting a pipe...

Out of jail... or at least from the police station...

Some tragic pipe guys out in the rain…

I think this will be Pippi Longstocking...

Some “new” street art in my neighbourhoods…

On the mail box...

Me in a window…

Men with glasses… Sometimes I don’t know what all this signs means?!
What is it people wanted to say???
Traffic signs with “art” on…

Ugly, ugly, ugly… No charm at all.


Today I took a walk down town or at least to Järntorget or as we says in English; the Iron square…
I had my camera with my and first I try to see “nice” things, things that inspired me, but I only saw ugly things this day… even the dove was freezing…

It’s not so often that I see all this garbage/trash in the city, but today with my grey mood it just smash me in my face and I thought that it could be good to document it, just to remember the less sunny days…

I have a nice and small taking coffee time with one of my best friends, and that was quality time, time that I really needed.
I’m glad for my friends, the once who is here in Gothenburg and other around the world.


dazzad said...

Family????anyway ...

A lot of good stuff on this your latest post but very difficult for me to comment on it as the material is all compiled in one.

paula lindblom said...

I know that It is an "misch masch" of pics... But that was the grey feeling yesterday... I will take a walk now and see if I can change my way of seeing this grey "life" for the moment...

Please comment!!!
Would be nice to hear what you think about some of the pics.

No family, just a familyname...

With love Paula