Sunday, October 31, 2010
I think that this is the result of the weekend of a lot of good art…at post it notes...
Now it’s a new week with work for money and an idea of starting working with my own ideas about jewellery again, I have a lot of new ideas that I want to try and work with but I haven’t got the time for it yet, so now I think it’s time to take my time and do some tryouts and see where I landed.
pipe guys of Uddevalla…
Marianne Lindberg De Geer...
My list of role models have expand to one more woman, Marianne Lindberg De Geer is from today one of my femal role models.
Marianne Lindberg De Geer, Konsthallen, Bohusläns museum…
Today I was invited by my friend Anita to go with her to Uddevalla by car and visit MLDG exhibition, we had a great day even if Uddevalla is a small town a Sunday afternoon, not much life, it felt like a grey day after a big party without any party at all, a strange, boring and very very typical Swedish small town feeling.
The exhibition was GREAT and the museum was also very cosy… We started with a fika and then we take part of the exhibition and I really really loved the video about an old Pippi Lognstocking, 45 years later. A great idea, I love the way of thinking of Pippi Longstocking as an adult woman, really really lost and confused and who haven’t been confused without a helping hand as a child?!
Anita and I took a walk in Uddevalla city on a hunt for a restaurant, we end up at Mc Donald’s, that is not something I’m proud of, but the needs have no laws…I’m absolutely not a fan of Mc D, and when you are a vegetarian lucky eating fish, you have one meal to order, a small fried fish with no salad and absolutely outstanding yellow cheese and some dressing, not the best meal you can dream of, I don’t know if it’s food at all…
The best thing with this day was good company and that my list of role models have expand to one more woman, Marianne Lindberg De Geer is from today one of my role models.
The exhibition was GREAT and the museum was also very cosy… We started with a fika and then we take part of the exhibition and I really really loved the video about an old Pippi Lognstocking, 45 years later. A great idea, I love the way of thinking of Pippi Longstocking as an adult woman, really really lost and confused and who haven’t been confused without a helping hand as a child?!
Anita and I took a walk in Uddevalla city on a hunt for a restaurant, we end up at Mc Donald’s, that is not something I’m proud of, but the needs have no laws…I’m absolutely not a fan of Mc D, and when you are a vegetarian lucky eating fish, you have one meal to order, a small fried fish with no salad and absolutely outstanding yellow cheese and some dressing, not the best meal you can dream of, I don’t know if it’s food at all…
The best thing with this day was good company and that my list of role models have expand to one more woman, Marianne Lindberg De Geer is from today one of my role models.
bye bye summertime… or daylight saving time…
Twice a year is the same melody, the same question; which way is the way?!
Is it back or is it forward…
Now it’s wintertime and the time will be removed, one hour back in time.
How hard could it be to understand this and remember which way it will be done?!
In Sweden we started with summertime 1916 as a test… 1980 started it for real, it’s 30 years with this every year changes of the time and still I have hard to remember…
Is it back or is it forward…
Now it’s wintertime and the time will be removed, one hour back in time.
How hard could it be to understand this and remember which way it will be done?!
In Sweden we started with summertime 1916 as a test… 1980 started it for real, it’s 30 years with this every year changes of the time and still I have hard to remember…
Saturday, October 30, 2010
two other important female role models that I missed in an earlier post…
Vivianna Torun Bülow-Hübe - internationellt verksam svensk silversmed och konstnär. Swedish silversmith and artist.
Vivianna Torun Bülow-Hübe born (December 4, 1927 in Malmö – dead July 3, 2004 in Copenhagen), was a Swedish jewelry designer and silversmith. She is the designer behind some of the most famous Georg Jensen jewelry designs, including 'Mobius', 'The Vivianna / Open Watch', 'Beans', Forget me knot' and 'Hiddern Heart'. She is the second most famous Georg Jensen designer, behind Georg Jensen himself.
Moder Teresa eller Teresa av Calcutta, född som Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu den 26 augusti 1910 i Skopje, nuvarande Makedonien (då Osmanska riket), död 5 september 1997 i Calcutta i Indien, var en romersk-katolsk nunna med indiskt medborgarskap av etniskt albanskt ursprung som grundade Missionaries of Charity i Calcutta år 1948. I över 45 år tog hon hand om de fattiga, sjuka, föräldralösa och döende medan Missionaries of Charity expanderade, först i Indien och sedan i andra länder.
Mother Teresa (26 August 1910 – 5 September 1997), born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (pronounced [aɡˈnɛs ˈɡɔndʒa bɔjaˈdʒiu]), was a Catholic nun of Albanian ethnicity and Indian citizenship, who founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India in 1950. For over 45 years she ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, while guiding the Missionaries of Charity's expansion, first throughout India and then in other countries. Following her death she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.
Vivianna Torun Bülow-Hübe born (December 4, 1927 in Malmö – dead July 3, 2004 in Copenhagen), was a Swedish jewelry designer and silversmith. She is the designer behind some of the most famous Georg Jensen jewelry designs, including 'Mobius', 'The Vivianna / Open Watch', 'Beans', Forget me knot' and 'Hiddern Heart'. She is the second most famous Georg Jensen designer, behind Georg Jensen himself.
Torun Bülow-Hübe föddes i Malmö som dotter till stadsplanechefen Erik Bülow-Hübe och skulptrisen Runa Bülow-Hübe. Hon valde tidigt en kreativ bana, som ung flicka råkade hon besöka silversmeden Wiwen Nilssons ateljé i Lund, Och blev imponerad av hans sätt att arbeta med metall. Och när hon senare som 16-åring besökte silversmeden Sigurd Persson, blev hon så påverkad av hans arbete, att hon började bearbeta en bit plåt hemma.
Efter att gått ut flickskolan i Malmö började hon 1945 på Konstfack i Stockholm. Hon var då med barn och fick 1946 dottern Pia med dåvarande maken journaliststudenten Rickard Öestermann. Så småningom öppnade hon en egen ateljé på Skeppargatan, och blev den första kvinnliga silversmeden med egen verkstad. 1948 reste hon till Paris och Cannes där hon träffade en del av den tidens stora konstnärer som Picasso, Braque och Matisse.
Hon gifte sig 1951 med den franske arkitekten Jean-Pierre Serbonnet och fick med honom sonen Claude. Hon började nu ställa ut sina smycken både i Stockholm och Paris och fick senare en permanent utställning på Galerie du Siècle på Boulevard Saint-Germain. Äktenskapet upplöstes 1956 och hon förlorade vårdnaden om sin son. Hon gifte emellertid om sig med Walter Coleman, en afroamerikansk målare, som hon senare fick sonen Ira och dottern Marcia med. 1956 lämnade hon och hennes nye man Sverige för gott och flyttade till Frankrike; en av anledningarna skall ha varit den öppna rasism hon mötte efter att hon gift sig med en svart amerikan.
Hon bodde först i Paris där hon träffade några av jazzens stora, bl.a. Billie Holiday som bar hennes smycken under sina uppträdanden. Hon gjorde även smycken till Brigitte Bardot och Ingrid Bergman. 1958 flyttade hon till Biot i Côte d'Azur-regionen där hon satte upp en verkstad. Hon träffade här Picasso ännu en gång och hon fick en egen utställning på Picassomuseet i Antibes.
Temat till en utställning i Musée des Arts Décoratifs i Louvren 1962 var, att göra något som du inte tycker om. Torun Bülow-Hübe var inbjuden att delta och ställde upp med en klocka som inte liknade något annat. Den hade spegelblank urtavla utan siffror med bara en sekundvisare som enda visare, och armbandet som var en förlängning av boetten gick inte hela varvet runt utan bildade en öppning på utsidan av handleden. Detta var armbandsuret "Vivianna" som kom att bli hennes mest kända skapelse.
Hon började 1967 att arbeta för den internationellt kända Georg Jensen Silversmide i Köpenhamn, ett samarbete som skulle fortsätta fram till hennes död, och de började producera och saluföra denna klocka; dock bytte man ut sekundvisaren mot tim- och minutvisare.
Bülow-Hübe födde fyra barn i tre äktenskap. När det tredje äktenskapet sprack drabbades hon av en livskris som förde henne in i den andliga rörelsen Subud, vars grundare var indones. Detta i sin tur påverkade henne att 1968 bosätta sig Wolfsburg och senare i den närliggande byn Wendhausen för att komma närmare rörelsen. Där satte hon upp sin verkstad och arbetade med andra konstnärer i en sammanslutning som kallades "Die Schwinge". Subud-engagemanget ledde också till att hon 1967 antog förnamnet Vivianna. 1979 flyttade hon så till Indonesien, närmare bestämt Jakarta. Där hon engagerade sig i sociala projekt och arbetade i sin verkstad. Efter att blivit diagnosticerad i leukemi 2002 flyttade hon till Köpenhamn, för att bo nära sin yngsta dotter. Och för att få den vård hon behövde. Hon avled två år senare.
Torun Bülow-Hübe är representerad på flera stora museer i hela världen. Hon har varit sommarvärd i radion. Hon har även blivit utvald till att namnge ett av Skånetrafikens Pågatåg.
Hon är gravsatt på Blåviks kyrkogård i Östergötland.
Moder Teresa eller Teresa av Calcutta, född som Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu den 26 augusti 1910 i Skopje, nuvarande Makedonien (då Osmanska riket), död 5 september 1997 i Calcutta i Indien, var en romersk-katolsk nunna med indiskt medborgarskap av etniskt albanskt ursprung som grundade Missionaries of Charity i Calcutta år 1948. I över 45 år tog hon hand om de fattiga, sjuka, föräldralösa och döende medan Missionaries of Charity expanderade, först i Indien och sedan i andra länder.
Mother Teresa (26 August 1910 – 5 September 1997), born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (pronounced [aɡˈnɛs ˈɡɔndʒa bɔjaˈdʒiu]), was a Catholic nun of Albanian ethnicity and Indian citizenship, who founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India in 1950. For over 45 years she ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, while guiding the Missionaries of Charity's expansion, first throughout India and then in other countries. Following her death she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.
kulturlördag – culture Saturday…
Today I was at Konstepidemin with my friend Anita… A lovely culture Saturday, with a lot of interesting art and nice meetings…
I was lucky running into Märta Mattsson, I thought she was in Japan with Lisa Björke, but it was only their jewellery stuff that was there.
I learn to know Märta almost precisely one year ago when we was participant in the same workshop in Imatra, under the KORU3 week in Finland.
Märta is a friend of Alexander Blank there about the “running into situation”… Märta and Lisa will come to Gothenburg next weekend and I hope to see them booth then over a lunch or a fika, would be great to see and talk to them.
I meet a lot of other nice friend and colleges as well and when this opening weekends are in Konstepidemin it’s a little bite like a art party among colleges.
Konstepidemin, or Epidemic of Art houses studio space for more than 100 artists. Located in the former epidemic hospital is also galleries, a restaurant and more. See art events and happenings here in the blog.
Blå Huset t.o.m. 24.11
Ragnar Schmid
Konstnärlig utsmyckning - Björlandagården Torslanda
Blå Husets restaurang är öppen vernissagedagen och därefter vardagar 12 - 16.
One of many, in my eyes good restaurants in Gothenburg, nice owners and delicious “fika” and food.
Like this place and I can warmly recommend it, if you have your way by…
I was lucky running into Märta Mattsson, I thought she was in Japan with Lisa Björke, but it was only their jewellery stuff that was there.
I learn to know Märta almost precisely one year ago when we was participant in the same workshop in Imatra, under the KORU3 week in Finland.
Märta is a friend of Alexander Blank there about the “running into situation”… Märta and Lisa will come to Gothenburg next weekend and I hope to see them booth then over a lunch or a fika, would be great to see and talk to them.
I meet a lot of other nice friend and colleges as well and when this opening weekends are in Konstepidemin it’s a little bite like a art party among colleges.
Konstepidemin, or Epidemic of Art houses studio space for more than 100 artists. Located in the former epidemic hospital is also galleries, a restaurant and more. See art events and happenings here in the blog.
Blå Huset t.o.m. 24.11
Ragnar Schmid
Konstnärlig utsmyckning - Björlandagården Torslanda
Blå Husets restaurang är öppen vernissagedagen och därefter vardagar 12 - 16.
One of many, in my eyes good restaurants in Gothenburg, nice owners and delicious “fika” and food.
Like this place and I can warmly recommend it, if you have your way by…
Alexander Blank... I’m very glad that I had the time to visit the Hnoss gallery today…
I meet Alexander Blank at the Hnoss gallery and I really like him and his art, the fantastic animal was really light weight and I have the opportunity to hold one of them in my hand, just to feel it, they was a little bite bigger then I expect but that makes them even better.
If I had the money I had absolutely bought one of this amazing black animal heads, they are so filled with attitude and it had been nice to be the owner of one of these creatures, also very funny to wear it and hear the comments from others, this is absolutely “talk about” jewellery.
The plastic shield was also amazing, they change look depending the fabrics you add them at, it’s done very clever.
I’m weak for animal in art, may be that is one of all the reasons I use animal by myself in art?! It’s booth very funny, double and serious to tell a story using animals in art.
The German jewellery artist Alexander Blanks duplicitous jewellery is humorous with a serious undertone, and highlights various phenomena of our times. On Gallery Hnoss we have the honour to show three series of brooches: Evil Ed & Friends, Shields, and Tank.
Evil Ed & Friends consists of 13 personal fantasies in the form of animal heads carved out of rigid foam. These animals that to their nature is considered to be relatively harmless have an hidden agenda that is anything but pleasant. They are all individuals and exude different emotions, but the frog Evil Ed is the only one who has eyes to see. He is the obvious protagonist of this collection of mischievous trophies.
Shields are a commentary on the relationship between lifestyles and brands. The brooches are formed as transparent shields, and allude to a common type of family arms, dating back to medieval times. Based on these emblems Alexander Blank wants to highlight the problems behind the commercialization of the modern human identity. The lifestyle you can buy and the brands you can hide behind.
Tank series consists of tanks in miniature, dressed in a floral cotton fabric. The fabric is typical for a certain type of bed linen and symbolizes the security of home in contrast to the obvious symbol of war that is the tank. The brooches illustrate the ambiguity in the fact that the privileged world today primarily experiences war in a sofa in front of the TV.
If I had the money I had absolutely bought one of this amazing black animal heads, they are so filled with attitude and it had been nice to be the owner of one of these creatures, also very funny to wear it and hear the comments from others, this is absolutely “talk about” jewellery.
The plastic shield was also amazing, they change look depending the fabrics you add them at, it’s done very clever.
I’m weak for animal in art, may be that is one of all the reasons I use animal by myself in art?! It’s booth very funny, double and serious to tell a story using animals in art.
The German jewellery artist Alexander Blanks duplicitous jewellery is humorous with a serious undertone, and highlights various phenomena of our times. On Gallery Hnoss we have the honour to show three series of brooches: Evil Ed & Friends, Shields, and Tank.
Evil Ed & Friends consists of 13 personal fantasies in the form of animal heads carved out of rigid foam. These animals that to their nature is considered to be relatively harmless have an hidden agenda that is anything but pleasant. They are all individuals and exude different emotions, but the frog Evil Ed is the only one who has eyes to see. He is the obvious protagonist of this collection of mischievous trophies.
Shields are a commentary on the relationship between lifestyles and brands. The brooches are formed as transparent shields, and allude to a common type of family arms, dating back to medieval times. Based on these emblems Alexander Blank wants to highlight the problems behind the commercialization of the modern human identity. The lifestyle you can buy and the brands you can hide behind.
Tank series consists of tanks in miniature, dressed in a floral cotton fabric. The fabric is typical for a certain type of bed linen and symbolizes the security of home in contrast to the obvious symbol of war that is the tank. The brooches illustrate the ambiguity in the fact that the privileged world today primarily experiences war in a sofa in front of the TV.
Linda Marie Karlsson...
Marco Munoz Tepez...
Pannrummet t.o.m. 21.11
Marco Munoz Tepez: Superficial Blue – Interaktiv media
I like this very very much. But I didn’t try to write a word at the computer, I saw others doing that and I also saw the results.
Marco Munoz Tepez: Superficial Blue – Interaktiv media
I like this very very much. But I didn’t try to write a word at the computer, I saw others doing that and I also saw the results.
Marika Orenius...
Galleri Konstepidemin t.o.m. 21.11
Marika Orenius Jag ser, jag syns
video, fotografi, teckning och gestaltning i rummet
Marika Orenius undersöker varandet i världen och kroppsliga upplevelser som förankrar människan i livet. Hennes fokus ligger på olika maktstrukturer och sociala mönster.
The video installation was heavy and very strong, it touched me deeply, and also some of her photos were very strong and unforgettable.
Marika Orenius Jag ser, jag syns
video, fotografi, teckning och gestaltning i rummet
Marika Orenius undersöker varandet i världen och kroppsliga upplevelser som förankrar människan i livet. Hennes fokus ligger på olika maktstrukturer och sociala mönster.
The video installation was heavy and very strong, it touched me deeply, and also some of her photos were very strong and unforgettable.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Lisa Björke and Märta Mattsson goes Japan…
If you are in Japan between 4-30 of November you can see an exhibition with me and Märta Mattsson "All that glitter is not gold...." in Galery Jubilee (Iwate Pref-Japan)
Warm greetings
Lisa Björke
Warm greetings
Lisa Björke
Alexander Blank... this I look forward too…
30 oktober kl 12 - 16:
Galleri hnoss
Alexander Blank
Alexander Blank
Den tyske smyckekonstnären Alexander Blanks dubbelbottnade smycken är humoristiska med en allvarlig underton, och belyser olika fenomen i vår samtid. På Galleri Hnoss har vi äran att visa tre serier broscher: Evil Ed & Friends, Shields och Tank.
Evil Ed & Friends består av 13 personliga fantasifoster i form av djurhuvuden utskurna i hårt skummaterial. Dessa djur som i naturen anses vara relativt harmlösa har en dold agenda som är allt annat än trevlig. De är alla individer och utstrålar olika känslor, men grodan Evil Ed är den ende som har seende ögon. Han är den självklare ledaren över denna samling illasinnade troféer.
Shields är en kommentar till sambandet mellan livsstilar och varumärken. Broscherna är formade som transparanta sköldar, och anspelar på en vanlig typ av familjevapen med anor i medeltiden. Utifrån dessa emblem vill Alexander Blank belysa problematiken bakom kommersialiseringen av den moderna människans identitet. Livsstilen man köper sig och varumärkena man gömmer sig bakom.
Serien Tank består av små stridsvagnar i miniatyr, klädda i blommigt bomullstyg. Tyget är typiskt för en viss sorts sängkläder och symboliserar det trygga hemmet i kontrast till den tydliga symbol som krigsfordonet är. Broscherna åskådliggör det tvetydiga i att den privilegierade världens upplevelser av krig idag främst sker i tv-soffan.
Utställningen pågår t.o.m. 21 nov
The Gathering
The animals gather. Thirteen in all. Not the most exotic or dangerous animals, simply the everyday ones that are part of our daily life. Yet it feels unsettling, threatening: What is the purpose of this gathering? A conspiracy? What draws them together?
Alexander Blank creates abstracted animal heads with the greatest accuracy. He provides these sculptures with a matt black finish and a shining silver backing; with a pin at the reverse side they can be worn as a brooch. For Blank, who is studying in Munich, this gathering of animals represents his own onrushing generation, which demands a place alongside long-established artists.
English text and the photos is from Klimt02
30 oktober kl 12 - 16:
Galleri hnoss
Alexander Blank
Alexander Blank
Den tyske smyckekonstnären Alexander Blanks dubbelbottnade smycken är humoristiska med en allvarlig underton, och belyser olika fenomen i vår samtid. På Galleri Hnoss har vi äran att visa tre serier broscher: Evil Ed & Friends, Shields och Tank.
Evil Ed & Friends består av 13 personliga fantasifoster i form av djurhuvuden utskurna i hårt skummaterial. Dessa djur som i naturen anses vara relativt harmlösa har en dold agenda som är allt annat än trevlig. De är alla individer och utstrålar olika känslor, men grodan Evil Ed är den ende som har seende ögon. Han är den självklare ledaren över denna samling illasinnade troféer.
Shields är en kommentar till sambandet mellan livsstilar och varumärken. Broscherna är formade som transparanta sköldar, och anspelar på en vanlig typ av familjevapen med anor i medeltiden. Utifrån dessa emblem vill Alexander Blank belysa problematiken bakom kommersialiseringen av den moderna människans identitet. Livsstilen man köper sig och varumärkena man gömmer sig bakom.
Serien Tank består av små stridsvagnar i miniatyr, klädda i blommigt bomullstyg. Tyget är typiskt för en viss sorts sängkläder och symboliserar det trygga hemmet i kontrast till den tydliga symbol som krigsfordonet är. Broscherna åskådliggör det tvetydiga i att den privilegierade världens upplevelser av krig idag främst sker i tv-soffan.
Utställningen pågår t.o.m. 21 nov
The Gathering
The animals gather. Thirteen in all. Not the most exotic or dangerous animals, simply the everyday ones that are part of our daily life. Yet it feels unsettling, threatening: What is the purpose of this gathering? A conspiracy? What draws them together?
Alexander Blank creates abstracted animal heads with the greatest accuracy. He provides these sculptures with a matt black finish and a shining silver backing; with a pin at the reverse side they can be worn as a brooch. For Blank, who is studying in Munich, this gathering of animals represents his own onrushing generation, which demands a place alongside long-established artists.
English text and the photos is from Klimt02
glue gun windows decorations...
last weekend...
Last weekend, my friend Katarina from my hometown Sundsvall was visiting me.
We had a shopping tour down town and we was to some friends evening music session in Slottsskogs kolonin and to a local pub at Andra Långgatan/the second long street, a trip to Kvibergs market, a market that I really really loved and want to show and share then we had a long Sunday walk in my hoods… A nice weekend, but the weather wasn’t with us, the Saturday was rainy rainy and it effect our moods.
On our walk I found a vegetarian pipe guy too…
We had a shopping tour down town and we was to some friends evening music session in Slottsskogs kolonin and to a local pub at Andra Långgatan/the second long street, a trip to Kvibergs market, a market that I really really loved and want to show and share then we had a long Sunday walk in my hoods… A nice weekend, but the weather wasn’t with us, the Saturday was rainy rainy and it effect our moods.
On our walk I found a vegetarian pipe guy too…
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