I love e-mail!
It´s so easy to get things away and back...
Friday, December 19, 2008
copper broosches...
nice, but in Swedish...
Christmas greetings from Hanna with friend…
Hanna Hedman
Hanna Hedman
sorry, this has to be in Swedish, I can’t translate it…
Today I had my last day as a silversmith teacher for pupils in the age of 16-19 year…
I can tell that I have been sunshine and rain these days…
But also that I haven’t laughter, that some of the pupil had a really bad attitude…
I can take a lot of crap, but in the end it sucks…Even if I understand that it isn’t personally, they had done the same with anyone.
To get into a new situation and do it well is hard when the pupil trying you every day.
I have to say that I’m glad it’s over for this time and this article in the Metro of today was so good, it’s about lecturing with some kind of let it go principal or to have control and do so the pupil learn… Now I longing for holiday, I need it badly right now.
I know that this behaviour isn’t the pupils wrong, they haven’t learned better before I meet them… I can only be there for them and hope to get some kind of respect for my knowledge in the subject… You can’t love all but you can show respect!
In some case I feel sorry for this young obstinate pupils, how should they handle other people if they can’t have “one” new person around for a month???
For me this has been an inherited situation.
I wish the pupil all the luck they could get, I think they need it in the end.
Sverige – fredag 19 december
En schyst lärare behöver inte vara bäst
Jag var sjutton år och gick i först ring på gymnasiet. Mina intressen låg för det mesta så långt bort från klassrummet som det var möjligt att komma. Helgens fester, tonårsförälskelser och kompisar var ungefär tusen gånger mer intressant än engelska oregelbundna verb eller gamla kungar och årtal. Barnslig? Absolut! Särskilt ovanlig? Förmodligen inte.
Mitt i den där skolledan fanns det två lärare som gjort bestående intryck hos mig.
I can tell that I have been sunshine and rain these days…
But also that I haven’t laughter, that some of the pupil had a really bad attitude…
I can take a lot of crap, but in the end it sucks…Even if I understand that it isn’t personally, they had done the same with anyone.
To get into a new situation and do it well is hard when the pupil trying you every day.
I have to say that I’m glad it’s over for this time and this article in the Metro of today was so good, it’s about lecturing with some kind of let it go principal or to have control and do so the pupil learn… Now I longing for holiday, I need it badly right now.
I know that this behaviour isn’t the pupils wrong, they haven’t learned better before I meet them… I can only be there for them and hope to get some kind of respect for my knowledge in the subject… You can’t love all but you can show respect!
In some case I feel sorry for this young obstinate pupils, how should they handle other people if they can’t have “one” new person around for a month???
For me this has been an inherited situation.
I wish the pupil all the luck they could get, I think they need it in the end.
Sverige – fredag 19 december
En schyst lärare behöver inte vara bäst
Jag var sjutton år och gick i först ring på gymnasiet. Mina intressen låg för det mesta så långt bort från klassrummet som det var möjligt att komma. Helgens fester, tonårsförälskelser och kompisar var ungefär tusen gånger mer intressant än engelska oregelbundna verb eller gamla kungar och årtal. Barnslig? Absolut! Särskilt ovanlig? Förmodligen inte.
Mitt i den där skolledan fanns det två lärare som gjort bestående intryck hos mig.
Den ena var min engelsklärare. Tråkigare och tjatigare fick man leta efter.
All work and no play var hennes melodi.
Den andra var min historielärare, och vilken lärare sen!
Hos honom kunde man softa och sitta och snacka om helgens planer. Han var som en riktigt juste kompis.
Om jag vid den tidpunkten hade blivit ombedd att betygsätta mina lärare vet jag vem som kammat hem högsta poäng.
Om jag vid den tidpunkten hade blivit ombedd att betygsätta mina lärare vet jag vem som kammat hem högsta poäng.
Jag fick ju till och med högt betyg i historia trots att jag knappt jobbade alls!
Idag, en sisådär 18 år senare jobbar jag själv som lärare i engelska utan särskilt många gemensamma nämnare med min gamla favvolärare.
Någonstans på vägen insåg jag nämligen att jag under mina gymnasieår lärt mig en fantastisk massa engelska medan historia är något av en akilleshäl.
Förslaget att elever i Malmö ska ”betygsätta” sina lärare är i sig föga förvånande och säger kanske mer om den allmänna inställningen till lärarkårens kompetens än om aktiviteten i sig. Problemet är vad ”betygsättandet” ska användas till.
Om tanken är att elevers tyckande ska få riktiga konsekvenser för de enskilda lärarna är det problematiskt på mer än ett plan. Att vara juste riskerar att skattas högre än att vara konsekvent och kravställande, vilket jag själv är ett levande bevis på.
Men framförallt är det billigare för en kommun att skylla alla problem på sina lärare och bortse från faktorer som inlärningsmiljö, hjälplärare till barn med särskilda behov och gruppstorlekar. Förlorarna i båda fallen är eleverna och deras lärare.
En betygsättning värd namnet ska göras av skolchefer med pedagogisk kunskap. Allt annat är utvärdering, vilket redan pågår i svenska klassrum landet runt i lärares egen regi.
Camilla Bergman
Thursday, December 18, 2008
a Christmas gift...
A Christmas gift from my loved friend Mariann… She come by and had this amazing paper bag from the 1960-70´s with her, it was for children birthday party’s long time ago… and with less beautiful photos of me in it… BUT I like the photos!
A happy evening with a nice gift, I think I have really, really good friend who are thinking of me... Thank you all my “stars”!
A happy evening with a nice gift, I think I have really, really good friend who are thinking of me... Thank you all my “stars”!
Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
I wish you all a calm and pleasant holiday, with may be snow, good food and a lot of kindness friends and families around you all.I will be out of the cyber space till January…
Take care and SEE YOU LATER!
IF you want to see me doing the elf dance with my red nose,
please click at;http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/fr3LRhzarsiKlATI
And if you want to see my family taking some disco step, please click at;
Sunday, December 14, 2008
snow in the North of Sweden...
Nikolai Balabin...
Nikolai Balabin (b. 1955) graduated in 1991 from the Academy of Fine Arts
(Faculty of Architecture) in Leningrad, Soviet Union, and in 1996 the College of Crafts and Design, (Jewellery and Stonework Design) in Lappeenranta, Finland.
Nikolai Balabin’s jewellery has been exhibited in Finland, Russia, The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain and Italia.
He has had eight solo exhibitions, and has been a prize winner in several jewellery design contests and a nominee for three international awards.
His works are in the collections of the Craft Museum of Finland and The World of Stone Exhibition Association in St.-Petersburg, Russia.
Nikolai Balabin makes unique and small series jewellery using a large range of materials: silver, bronze, stone, amber, jet, paper, ceramics among others.
His recent works could be defined as wearable object collages or miniature plays telling stories about the real and imaginary life.
From; http://mardecolorrosa.blogspot.com/
(Faculty of Architecture) in Leningrad, Soviet Union, and in 1996 the College of Crafts and Design, (Jewellery and Stonework Design) in Lappeenranta, Finland.
Nikolai Balabin’s jewellery has been exhibited in Finland, Russia, The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain and Italia.
He has had eight solo exhibitions, and has been a prize winner in several jewellery design contests and a nominee for three international awards.
His works are in the collections of the Craft Museum of Finland and The World of Stone Exhibition Association in St.-Petersburg, Russia.
Nikolai Balabin makes unique and small series jewellery using a large range of materials: silver, bronze, stone, amber, jet, paper, ceramics among others.
His recent works could be defined as wearable object collages or miniature plays telling stories about the real and imaginary life.
From; http://mardecolorrosa.blogspot.com/
4 hours and 25 visitors…
My view from the desk at gallery Hnoss, I was the one who look after the gallery today, Sunday.
When it was empty, no visitors, I was sketching… ideas of, some thing later on may be…
When it was empty, no visitors, I was sketching… ideas of, some thing later on may be…
this is my last Christmas market this year…
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Susan Lenart Kazmer...
Susan Lenart Kazmer
This is really good and interesting recycling jewellery art and also objects.
Please visit the website and you get surprised over all the good stuff that Susan L K has done.
I like it very, very, very much!
This is really good and interesting recycling jewellery art and also objects.
Please visit the website and you get surprised over all the good stuff that Susan L K has done.
I like it very, very, very much!
Tania Sklyar...
I have already blog this once before, but I do it again… I love this kind of jewellery telling… and now I saw some new pieces at Montserrat blog; http://mardecolorrosa.blogspot.com/
Montserrats blog about jewelleries is one of the best represented jewellery blog, I think… She add new jewellery artist almost every day… I didn’t believe that we where so many good and interesting jewellery artists out there… and still she have material for some more years. It’s soooooooooooooooo amazing!
I think this kind of making jewellery fit me very well, I can’t do it like this, but I can feel connecting to it and I can learn how to tell a story with using mixed material and add it into the jewellery world.
Tania Sklyar
I think this kind of making jewellery fit me very well, I can’t do it like this, but I can feel connecting to it and I can learn how to tell a story with using mixed material and add it into the jewellery world.
Tania Sklyar
Wartenburgstr. 18
10963 - Berlin
10963 - Berlin
for my friend Maja...
This photo from one of our evening newspaper I found this summer.
It’s a giant panda, born in China this summer (one of four!).
I send it to all of you, who love pandas, but mostly to my jewellery college Maja Breife, she has worked with this subject in some of her work and I know that she felt strong for the panda.
It’s hard to understand tat this little one on the photo will been a giant black and white panda in the end.
It’s a giant panda, born in China this summer (one of four!).
I send it to all of you, who love pandas, but mostly to my jewellery college Maja Breife, she has worked with this subject in some of her work and I know that she felt strong for the panda.
It’s hard to understand tat this little one on the photo will been a giant black and white panda in the end.
I found it today when I was looking at all my papers…I collect a little bite of everything, good to have stuff and then I put it on my table and forget what I have cut out or collect somewhere else…
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